Via masto/fb

A new engine, called Freescape was merged to master. This is an engine for the earliest 3d-based games, which was later turned into the “3D Construction Kit”. The first game from this family, Driller, is supported for DOS, Amiga and Atari ST versions. C64, Amstrad and ZX Spectrum support is in the plans. The engine is pretty small, which is of course, understandable for the machines of that era. Currently, it is just 5,500 lines of code but will definitely grow. However, being even such small, the engine author, Gustavo Grieco aka gu3 aka neuromancer, already added a high-res OpenGL rendering. What about Driller in 3840x2160?

    22 years ago

    I’m going to have to look into this. Hopefully it also plays Castle master, which I believe runs on the same engine.I had that game on my Atari St and loved it!

    • @_edOP
      22 years ago

      A good excuse to visit some old classics

  • @_edOP
    12 years ago

    I remember Dark Side - wonder how it holds up