Dennis Kucinich, who led Congressional opposition to the Iraq war, reacts to the Congressional Progressive Caucus retracting a letter calling for diplomacy with Russia. “If we don’t believe in diplomacy,” Kucinich asks, “then where do we go as a country?”.

    2 years ago

    Vladimir Putin and his sockpuppets continue to make statements that make it clear they do not treat Ukraine as a sovereign state, nor Ukrainians as an independent people. Until that changes significantly, “believing in diplomacy” in the context of Russian invasion in Ukraine is effectively enabling genocide.

    And yes, I use the word “genocide” consciously and purposefully. And I am not talking just about mass graves in Bucha, Izium, or Mariupol. I am talking about thousands of Ukrainian children effectively kidnapped by the Russian state and moved from occupied territories deep into Russia. I am talking about willful targeting of civilian infrastructure and Ukrainian civilians themselves.

    Peace talks with Putin right now, especially since the tide of war seems to have turned to favour Ukrainian defenders, would give him an opportunity to solidify Russian control over occupied territories, rebuild his army, and try again. Exactly how Minsk Agreements allowed him to solidify control over Crimea, and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk occupied in 2014, and then launch an invasion this year.

    Check out his speeches. He is very clear on what his goals are. There is no reason not to believe him on this.