“This action, like many other direct partisan actions carried out in Russia in recent months, was carried out by the National Republican Army,” said Ponomarev, adding that his web portal had made contact with the group’s fighters. A manifesto purporting to come from the group was published online on Sunday, which Ponomarev went on to read out in the broadcast. It declares Putin a “usurper of power and war criminal.” It says the Russian president “unleashed a fratricidal war between the Slavic peoples and sent Russian soldiers to certain and senseless death.” “Poverty and coffins for some, palaces for others — that’s the essence of his policy.” “We believe that disenfranchised people have the right to rebel against tyrants. Putin will be deposed and destroyed by us!” The document goes on to call on soldiers of the Russian army “to stop shooting at our brothers from other countries — Georgia, Syria and others,” and urges “all Russians to join our ranks.”

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      I think i remember posts from Genzedong sub few years ago about Douma attack being false flag. Even western propaganda admit rebels are using chemical weapons.