They do, but it’s a very small part of their total financing (less than 1% I think), and they don’t have government appointed staff or anything like that.
Based on Twitter definitions of state affiliated, govt funded, and public funded, NPR aligns the least with state affiliated and most with publicly funded, right?
How state-affiliated media accounts are defined
State-affiliated media is defined as outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures, and/or control over production and distribution. Accounts belonging to state-affiliated media entities, their editors-in-chief, and/or their prominent staff may be labeled. We will also add labels to Tweets that share links to state-affiliated media websites.
How government-funded media accounts are defined
Government-funded media is defined as outlets where the government provides some or all of the outlet’s funding and may have varying degrees of government involvement over editorial content. We may use external sources similar to this one in order to determine when this label is applied.
How publicly-funded media accounts are defined
Publicly-funded media refers to media organizations that receive funding from license fees, individual contributions, public financing, and commercial financing.
Don’t they literally receive funding from the US government?
They do, but it’s a very small part of their total financing (less than 1% I think), and they don’t have government appointed staff or anything like that.
Twitter didn’t say they had government appointed staff. They said they were “state affiliated”. Which you just confirmed as 100% true.
Then nearly every industry is state affiliated.
Which implies the presence of government influence like in some authoritarian states. I doubt the US government is dictating their editorial lines.
Affiliated means close formal or informal association. I think 1% of funding and no government appointed people really doesn’t rise to that standard.
Based on Twitter definitions of state affiliated, govt funded, and public funded, NPR aligns the least with state affiliated and most with publicly funded, right?
Don’t expect right-wing people to actually consider anything other than alternative facts.
state affiliated media implies the government has some sort of editorial control over the media