
With the President of Finland, Alexander Stubb, we visited the largest shelter in Helsinki, which can accommodate 6 thousand people.  > Finland has very good experience in building civilian shelters. And today our countries signed a document of intent, which initiates the creation of a coalition of civilian shelters. This is very important. Ukraine is working to ensure that there are more safe places and shelters in our country. And this will definitely happen.  > Thank you to Finland, to all partners who support the coalition. The safety and protection of our people is a priority.


  • zvhxxl@mastodon.social
    6 days ago

    “President Zelensky and the President of Finland visited Helsinki’s largest shelter”
    I think this will be Europe’s future, whether we like it or not.
    What if Putin throws a nuclear bomb on a main water barrier in Netherlands? Or a Russian warship destroys our undersea energy network? It only takes a few torpedo’s or dragging an anchor over the seabed.

    If you want peace: prepare for war. So nobody will dare to attack you.