A pair of Long Island Trump voters visited Ireland recently. I think they were in their late 60s / early 70s. It looks like the current administration will be downsizing or disbanding the organisation their daughter works at and she’ll likely lose her job.
Some other changes made by this administration mean that several of their investments are losing value. So they’re very unhappy about him being in power now, although apparently the rape thing and being an overall creep was never an issue.
Anyway, Id’ read that people like this exist and never actually saw / heard them before. It’s real folks. They don’t seem particularly bright but it seems they’ve done well for themselves in life.
Not particularly bright but done well for themselves are A LOT of Trump voters.
Makes me think some people really shouldn’t have money.
My gf and mom heard a russian couple in london watching a gay parade and hearing the parents explain to their children how those all should be sent to death camps. Except as online russians ever other word was a slur that would make even a 2000s cod lobby blush.
You hear a lot of interesting things from tourists.
They don’t seem particularly bright but it seems they’ve done well for themselves in life.
This is such a dangerous combination. Success combined with stupidity seems to breed arrogant people that have never had a deep thought in their entire lives (nor do they believe they need to, given their success). Usually these types defer to some sort of homespun “common sense” no matter the topic at hand.
Dad told me it was better for him if I was in a camp. Fuck you forever dad.
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Keep in mind, 21% of all adult Americans are completely illiterate but still eligible to vote. 54% of adult Americans cannot read beyond a 6th grade level. These are people literally incapable of higher thought, but still given the right to vote and affect the lives of others.
I’m guessing a long islander with enough money to travel to Europe wouldn’t fall into those categories.
I know people from that area. If they come from old money they tend to live off interest. 1mil give 40k at 4% and if house is paid off. Then than pays for the taxes on home and some other utilities. Then add the pension most people got back then and you’re golden.
success is not positively correlated to intelligence. past a certain point it is negatively correlated. see: the richest man in the world right now.
Correct. These people were educated professionals. Specifically, one was an engineer.
although apparently the rape thing and being an overall creep was never an issue.
Well that is because the rape or creepiness didn’t happen directly to them or an immediate family member. There is no empathy with trump voters.
I’m no longer convinced even that is enough to sway this persistent ~35% we keep seeing in polling.
I think the pollsters are erring on the side of trump, since he has brought down SLAPP suits on any media outlet that is critical of him or reports negatively on his popularity. Is accurately reporting a single survey worth 8 Billion dollars/a never ending legal battle with the textbook definition of vexatious litigant who has unlimited funds and time?
Well, they are “anti woke”
Well, they are “anti woke”
Because you won’t remember the rape if you pretend to stay asleep?
They kept telling people to wake up, so people did. Now they want them to go back to sleep so they can go back to doing their shitty things without being seen.
I wonder how hard it would be to get enough roofies to knock me out for the next 4 years
They do life by the numbers, and if they have a solid start and a stable background they become very detached from the real world, floating in that middle class bubble. They hold opinions that were injected trough media as their own, and don’t question them. When the real world pops their bubble, they are very surprised and have to do intense mental gymnastics blaming it on a cat eating immigrants.
That damn cat needs to stop eating all the immigrants!
It’s because those god damn democrats keep refusing to empty the litter box.
If they live on Long Island they’ve seen the houses they brought for under $100,000 in 1980 balloon to over $1 million today.
Literally had to do nothing to have their assets inflated.
Generally the more monetarily successful people reach that point by being selfish, so it would make sense that they don’t care about others and only start to care when it affects them personally.
People who are not selfish can become wealthy, it is just a lot less likely because they tend to spread the wealth.
it is just a lot less likely because they tend to spread the wealth.
It’s probably more like they don’t earn it in the first place because they aren’t as willing to fuck over coworkers et al. to get ahead.
Moved my retirement fund from stocks to all cash yesterday. Orange doofus is going to cause even more issues for stock markets in the next few weeks.
Not financial advice. If you do this, you need to leg back in over a period of time. Like move 5% weekly or biweekly or monthly back to your normal mix. If not, you will likely miss the dip you were hoping to game into.
Maybe or maybe not. Being long-term invested (>15 years) will solve this issue for you. Studies suggest you probably realized a loss and will also miss the entry point when stocks are going up again. Remember folks, time in the market beats timing the market.
Will review in early April. See if this tariff bullshit happens or not.
If you went to cash, perhaps you should move to treasuries instead to get 4-5% return in the meantime?
Otherwise, find mutual funds with exposure to euro markets to stay in the game. Time in the market will outperform timing the market. The market can remain irrational longer than you can afford to stuff cash under your mattress.
That’s what I did with my 401k and IRA. My actual concern is with the US Dollar itself, hence not wanting it to be cash. This seemed like the best hedge/option for now.
My advice would be to become an arms dealer or to hire an expert hacker but all my financial know-how comes from 80s action films.
It definitely