(The higher tiers cost $135 and $160 annually, respectively, and you don’t get to own a single game you play from the Game Catalog™, which itself honestly looks mid as fuck.)
For software? None, actually, because I actually know and choose what goes on my gaming device. ❤️
For hardware? Literally who cares; your argument was about software (specifically the OS, but we can talk more broadly), and on that front, the drivers from the massive, shitty corporations do their job with no fuss. Everything from gaming (sans the games themselves, excepting the massive library of games I physically own and can emulate) to the OS to the desktop environment to browsing the web to communications to non-gaming entertainment to workflow to productivity is 1) done on my own terms and 2) done for free. And which companies I choose to purchase the hardware from? My terms too.
By choice; they categorically don’t have to be. That’s the entire point.
You all are essentially stuck with fucking Microsoft
Who’s “you all”? I don’t even use Windows, you goof, and all of my games play trivially and excellently. You’re the one stuck with a massive, shitty corporation, not me. lmfao
You all constantly bitch about having to troubleshoot just to play games
Projecting much? lmfao, sorry it’s too hard for you to navigate booting up a computer, installing Steam, downloading a game, and running it, I guess. That daunting task that needs so much troubleshooting.
And besides that, a decent PC is functionally as cheap as a console when you account for online services (I’ve owned my PC for 8 years and then an additional $200 for a CPU replacement that I did of my own volition; at $80 annually, that’s $640 for online services alone, more than doubling the price of your console) and the price of games. The reason your console is cheap at the time of purchase is because it’s a loss leader. For that same amount or possibly even less, you get exactly as much flexibility as you want in everything you do, from the desktop hardware itself, to the peripherals, to the games (overwhelmingly more extensive), to the mods for the games, to backwards compat (too bad the PS5 isn’t backwards compatible with PS2 games and instead uses trashy, bootleg emulation dressed up as a “port” and sold back to you for $30; I can emulate any game I own for free meanwhile, including PS3 games), to workflow, to OS, to privacy, to look and feel, to online store I use, to software installed, to incremental upgrades. And of course a PC can do a million things a console categorically can’t on top of that; some people don’t live life just to play video games.
Peak copium that WoW = PC, meanwhile staring at thousands of online games that can be played online completely for free. Didn’t realize the PSN fee was only for a very select few online games of a specific genre which I can actively avoid.
For 12+ hours? Literally never, actually, in the 8 years with them (maybe 2 hours at most, maybe 5 total outages ever?), and there isn’t a simultaneously free and better alternative. This fee is just there to gouge; it shouldn’t even exist.
Cope harder.
The complaint is that online on PC is free like it should be, not this ridiculous $80/year bullshit that console manufacturers can lock you into their ecosystem and force you to do.
If I’m paying $80/year for a service that’s free on an already better platform, you’d better believe that it going down for this long (or basically at all) would be totally unacceptable.
Imagine paying $80 annually for this mediocre trash.
Correct. A vestigial structure however is one that is no longer needed and is greatly diminished but is retained anyway because there’s little selective pressure against it. It need not be completely useless, but fingernails serve multiple legitimately important functions in humans and thus aren’t vestigial.
It also serves to enable very precise grip in a way that a blunt fingertip couldn’t (pinching something very tiny), to enable us to scrape things, and to protect the fingertip from injury. It definitely isn’t vestigial.
Hey OP, this wallpaper looks sick, but Rule 3 means you need to put the resolution “[844 x 1500]” in the title. This is crucial information for people to be able to parse these efficiently.
Also, you give no attempt to credit the artist, Rule 1. Edit: OP is OC. Still ought to have an OC in the title so people aren’t wondering, but good for you; it’s really cool!
Campaigners have been working on plans for the controlled reintroduction of the cats to benefit rural biodiversity but farmers have raised concerns about the impact they would have on livestock.
So once again, it’s meat-eaters fucking up the natural ecosystem for the rest of us. Cool, great.
The itch doesn’t begin until well after the female mosquito gets her food and leaves, so what reproductive advantage does it give to that specific mosquito over the others to make the itch not happen at all? The answer is “none”.
Not only can they not be trusted to leave money on the table, but they can actively be trusted not to.
Sorry I didn’t go for the Melania Trump joke. I’m sure you’re all very disappointed.
Oh look, it’s a transphobe and dipshit who wants to take fluoride out of the water.
Get the fuck off Lemmy and go back to whatever social media cesspool you came from; literally no one wants you here.
But the question is: how would a mosquito that develops this trait have an easier time reproducing? Assuming it reproduced and had quite a few offspring, would that collective group of thousands of mosquitoes have an easier time reproducing? It wouldn’t, because humans don’t have some kind of vision that tells them the mosquito won’t make them start itching 5 minutes later or whatever, by which point the mosquito is long gone. Even if they did, they’d still smack it upon noticing it, because it carries deadly diseases and is an annoying insect.