Now I’m just picturing the Renisance Center turning into a giant mech
Basically this if you’re unfamiliar
Wait, am I the only one who thought that game was an underrated masterpiece? The graphics were gorgeous and performant, and the mission design was intuitive and challenging. I 100%ed every mission, and loved all the investigation mechanics. I was recently thinking about doing a full replay…
I did like it, but the story has a lot of dumb parts especially in the latter half. They lost me at robot jesus.
I think the biggest problem with the game is that they made it sound like they were going to explore questions about whether intelligent machines could deserve rights and then just…make the robots 100% human, basically. Including having a human driving them. That doesn’t really raise any interesting questions.
i just have a hard time enjoying things linked to david cage
Detroit is Metroplex confirmed
I can assure you this is exactly what happens.
Better than the actual game