In particular, they’ve decided to stop paying for dog food and veterinary care.
Police dogs are Probable Cause Manufacturing Devices to cops, nothing more. Probably even more true with the TSA.
I still think they should be adopted out instead of starved. It’s not the dogs’ fault.
The article says nothing about them starving.
Omg, that means no surplus gov dog food!
Who you gonna call??
EDIT: damnit autocorrect
William Joseph “BlowJob” Blazkowicz
There’s a guy with a good head on his shoulders, and I’m not even sure if they’re his shoulders.
And on that head are 27 helmets
i apologize!
some of my favorite gaming memories!
Heh, same.
But excuse me now, I have to take some painkillers for my aging back.i wonder if I’m now on a list for re downloading the old blood
I need to replay Spear of Destiny, I never did before, I always end up with Dooms or Blood when in the bomber-shooter-nostalgia mood.