So, is it the world first or not? They were technically the first…
Is this news?
BadLuckMax also snagged several pieces of ill-gotten Mythic gear, including the unfortunately named Rushed Beta Launchers boots which, being leather (and thus useless on a Paladin) feels like a brutal jab at Blizzard.
Is this a retail thing where Paladins can only wear plate or is the author not familiar with the mechanic? Plenty of paladins taking cloth/leather/mail in OG and Classic.
from cata on you got 5% bonus to your primary stat for wearing your armour class, so plate for example on pally. but gear works differently in retail so all plate has strength and int on it so you really have no reason to use cloth or leather
You get some kind of bonus if you wear your classes preferred armor type iirc.
WoW spelled backwards is WoW.
So is Bob.
So is racecar and abutttuba.
Ypu’re wrong. Bob spelled backwards is not WoW 🤓
/s (obviously)
Bob - Weird Al Yankovic might be up your alley.
Banning people in games is extremely difficult, annoyingly so.
Actually it’s super easy, barely an inconvenience!
Oh really?
Banning cheaters in games is TIGHT!!!
Wowie wow wow.
Lol what a mad lad
Any% clear!
Wow is still a thing?
Must be comfy under that rock
ITT: I learn WoW is still a thing. Honestly thought that shit died like 15 years ago.
You have to be living under a rock to not know that WoW is still an incredibly popular game. It’s easily still the most popular MMORPG
It’s a failed attempt at minimizing. Lots of people reply like that.
I’ve been living under quite a rock then, haven’t heard WoW even mentioned for years (and years)
If the only pre-live service MMORPG still going strong.
what makes wow not a live service game? aren’t all MMOs by definition live service?
I mean, yeah. Just don’t tend not to lump the older ones in it because of how awful the practice has become since the phrase was formalized.
What about FF14 or Guild Wars 2? Don’t they count as pre-live service MMORPGs, too?
checks Seems games as a service model that we know today really picked up steam at around the late 2010s. So, yeah…
I was actually surprised to see Ultima Online is still up and active recently. It must have a pretty decent sized population for EA not to shut down and repurpose the servers for Battlefield or something.
Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a hot minute.
No you don’t.
There are people who still admit to playing World of Warcraft to other people?
There are people who still whine about what games others enjoy? Yikes.
Nobody here is whining. I’m just surprised.
It’s OK if you understand that. No one will hate you for it, I promise.
Your track record of not hating people for their opinions is muddy at best.
You are not yet aware that most people have severe self-worth issues?
Eh, whatever makes them happy.
I suppose. One of my favorite games is from 1992 and called ultimate underworld.
It was a far superior game regarding storyline, plot, and gameplay.
But I’m not here to yuck anyone. Although that is quite literally what I did.
Damn, lemmy is so good that it has a time machine to read comments from 2005!
If people have been saying this for 20 years, then, yeah. Thanks for making my point for me.
That’s okay, I’m here to yuck someone. Blizzard is a fuck, don’t give them your sub money lol
There’s still private servers out there. You can play wow without giving blizzard money.
Can’t disagree with you there
I play WooooW
Can’t nobody mess with me noooow