Political compass memes seem to generally be weird and used by weird people but this ones about a fictional world post-“singularity” and has worldbuilding I absolutely adore. Give it a read!
woah that’s good, i just spent half an hour reading through it.
Who makes political compass memes in 2194? I’m guessing the Transprim (bottom right of libleft)
How are Nazis and aristocrats considered progressive? Not sure I understand the political compass part…
It’s a fictional universe where progressive means “for technological progress” and conservative means “against technological progress”. So they are just advanced techbros in this universe who are technologically progressive because the technology gives them power and money.
It’s a fucked-up world where literal nazis are in the left half of the spectrum. This is why I’ve deliberately fried my exocortex (rip In-Tulpa) and fled the Biocon Soldier training grounds to become a Hiveist. I have ADHD and a severe lack of dopamine and I know joining the Hive will help us both; I want nothing more than to donate my compute to get The Uniting Fog finished sooner.
Biocon Priest’s In-Tulpa is an angel. You know, an innocent little boy.
I absolutelly love those fiction oriented politicall compass memes!
Do post others if you have some saved
Good art and world building. These are always fun.
Honestly there are only wrong opinions and the Hive. Blessed be the hive! Merge with the future or be exterminated!
The rare PCM that can put me in the bottom right corner…of libleft.