the day my country starts helping russia destroy Ukraine is coming soon, i fear. all this has been prelude to us, softening us up for the concept. wearing us out until we no longer have the energy to stand up and fight for what is right. our treatment of our ally will be a permanent bloodstain in the tapestry of history, and our turn towards russia a permanent singe.
Just a reminder that if you’re conscripted to fight on behalf of whatever stupid war the US is going to be initiating, sabotaging your troop transport on the way over is potentially a moral decision.
It’s already started. Trump is emboldening Putin with his attempt at brokering a peace deal and making concessions from the start without involving Ukraine. His threats to encourage Russia to attack NATO countries.
He’s doing Putin’s political dirty work.
The US could likely have a second civil war because of Trump aligning with Putin.
the day my country starts helping russia destroy Ukraine is coming soon, i fear. all this has been prelude to us, softening us up for the concept. wearing us out until we no longer have the energy to stand up and fight for what is right. our treatment of our ally will be a permanent bloodstain in the tapestry of history, and our turn towards russia a permanent singe.
If your country starts supporting Russia, the whole fucking world is going to be very puzzled if you’re not rioting by that point.
Maybe take some lessons from the people who gave you the Statue of Liberty.
The statue of thoughts and prayers.
Just a reminder that if you’re conscripted to fight on behalf of whatever stupid war the US is going to be initiating, sabotaging your troop transport on the way over is potentially a moral decision.
Trump wasn’t joking about gambling with ww3 unfortunately. He indeed has the cards but is stupid enough to play it wrong.
He inherited a straight flush but threw it all away to play an 8 high card hand.
It’s already started. Trump is emboldening Putin with his attempt at brokering a peace deal and making concessions from the start without involving Ukraine. His threats to encourage Russia to attack NATO countries.
He’s doing Putin’s political dirty work.
The US could likely have a second civil war because of Trump aligning with Putin.