Q1: Since the Judicial branch is supposed to keep an eye on the other two branches, and all three are controlled by the GOP, what is there to do? In the end any legitimate complaint that makes it to the SCOTUS will be tossed out like yesterdays McDonalds wrappers out of Clarence Thomas’ window.
Q2: I see Bernie Sanders on X talking about everything that is happening with no solutions and no place to start and no one to look up to. WTF is happening? Even GOPs with little kids are having buyer’s remorse as they are quickly losing all their lifelines and food for their children. Even if the dems have no solutions someone could try to stand up for us and offer us advice on how to navigate through this.
Same thing we told you in 2024, 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016… Vote blue top to bottom. Throw the Republican scum out of office.
Next up? 2026 - Every single House seat and 35 Senate seats (22 Republican, 13 Democratic) are up for election.
Change starts there. The Senate in particular confirms or denies judicial nominees. That one is key. Enough Republican seats are up for a vote to turn the Senate on it’s ear.
That’s if you guys even have elections by then.
And don’t forget to primary the Hell out of any Democrat that has proven feckless and cowardly in this hour. Time for Fetterman to go, and many others. Anyone that voted against AOC for the committee seat needs to be primaried. Anyone that voted for a single one of Trump’s cabinet nominees needs to be primaried. Purge the party. It is time for a purge.
Fetterman isn’t up until '28.
I never said this stops in 2026.
Did the last four years fix anything?
It’s not enough to have a D by their name, they need to actually be capable and willing to fight fascism.
The absence of evil just isn’t good enough anymore.
If the only two choice involve one being “status quo” then “status quo” is going to keep losing. You can shout that it should win till your face turns blue, but that’s obviously not working.
Why the fuck is there so much opposition to just running a good candidate Dem voters agree with?
Because people can’t agree on a good Dem candidate, and you already have someone in this thread trying to primary half the incumbents and expect to hold seats.
In the last 4 years the Dems didn’t have a majority, Manchin and Sinema saw to that.
I have done that year after year. The chucklefuck Ds in office now who can’t be bothered to look up from their insider trading to do literally anything useful are never getting another vote from me. Anyone who lands on the next ballot with a D next to their name is far from guaranteed to get my vote. If the Ds refuse to do anything at all about this brewing constitutional crisis and ending of the rule of law. Voting more of the same in isn’t any kind of change, particularly if they just let those in charge shit on everything.
They can’t do anything until they get a majority, that’s step 1.
Then the Senate needs to be pressured to trash the extra-constitutional filibuster, that’s step 2.
Failing that, the Dems need a 60 vote majority in the Senate to stop all the bullshit, ideally a 67 vote majority to remove the felon from office.