The day Israel came for the booksellers: With a Palestinian coloring book as proof of ‘incitement,’ Israeli police raided East Jerusalem’s world-famous Educational Bookshop and arrested its owners (+972 Magazine, 2025-02-11)
“Since an arrest on suspicion of incitement requires prior approval from the State Prosecutor’s Office, the shop’s owner, Mahmoud Muna, and his nephew, Ahmad Muna, … were arrested on suspicion of ‘disturbing public order’ — a common practice in cases related to freedom of expression.”
“While the stores are famous among an international audience, and within a close proximity to the Magistrate’s Court, they are almost unknown in Israel. The court officials, police officers, and guards were surprised by the amount of interest from the media and diplomats …”
#EastJerusalem #EducationalBookshop @israel
Last time they picked Finnegans Wake, so the joke is thoroughly on them
Fuck Fascists
I just want to emphasize, this is a badass moment in history, this bookstore was more of a cultural center for artists in Paris than an actual bookstore, the list of vitally important artists and writers of the era who passed through its doors is intimidating, and it barely even sold books as Sylvia Beach (the owner) would basically hand them out to artists because she wanted people to have books. And yet still, Sylvia Beach hated fascists so fucking much that she boxed the entire god damn thing up and put it into storage rather than comply with fascists even a little bit. Be like Sylvia Beach.
…however please sell the fascist a copy of Finnegans Wake though, hell give it to them for free, that is fucking hilarious actually