An independent historian focusing on Medieval #Iberia; al-Andalus; #Mozarabe…
At the moment researching on Roman/Latin/Christian past reflected in al-Andalus.
#Orosius #IsidorusHispalensis #alAndalus
Omer Bartov also interviewed by German radio (podcast, in German)
Nach HRW Bericht: Verübt Israel in Gaza einen Genozid?- Interview Omer Bartov (Deutschlandfunk, 2024-12-21)
Polish Newspaper: Fearing Arrest Netanyahu to Skip 80th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation (Jewish Press, 2024-12-20)
“The right-of-center Polish daily #Rzeczpospolita (circulation of 274,000), on Friday reported … that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not attend events in #Poland marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz camp, for fear of being arrested in accordance with the order issued by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
“The newspaper quoted Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Władysław Bartoszewski, who is responsible for coordinating the ceremony on January 27 with the participation of several dozen world leaders, who stated, ‘We are obliged to respect the decisions of the International Criminal Court (#ICC) in The Hague.’”
A propos “Hamas Flag”, cf.
Note: “… there is a confusion about the Hamas flag. One is white with Hamas emblem* on it, and the military branch’s flag is green with a shahada?”
*) @israel
@Miro_Collas @LetsRock137
Protesters disrupt Blinken testimony on Afghanistan withdrawal - CBS News
Hardly covered by “Western” mainstream #media … but behold, CBS! 👀
… and at European Film Awards.
‘Emilia Perez’ wins big at European Film Awards 2024 (Screen Daily, 2024-12-07)
“The documentary prize was won by No Other Land, about the Israeli demolition of villages in Masafer Yatta in the West Bank. It is the latest in a string of wins for Berlinale premiere …”
“Two of its co-directors – Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham and Palestinian activist Basel Adra – accepted the reward remotely by video feed. Adra said it was very hard to celebrate the award at a time when ‘the occupation is committing a genocide against my people,’ while Abraham said ethnic cleansing was being carried out against the Palestinian people in Gaza.
“Addressing European governments, Abraham said: ‘It’s not enough to demand a ceasefire. A ceasefire needs to be imposed.’ As they finished their acceptance speech, a shout of ‘Free Palestine’ rang out in the auditorium.”
>> Amnesty Germany
Israel/Gaza | Neue Amnesty-Recherchen belegen: Israel begeht Völkermord an Palästinenser*innen in Gaza | 05.12.2024
“Amnesty International hat hinreichende Belege dafür, dass der israelische Staat Genozid an der palästinensischen Bevölkerung im besetzten Gazastreifen begangen hat und weiterhin begeht. Zu diesem Schluss kommt ein umfassender Bericht der Menschenrechtsorganisation.”
“Amnesty International kommt aufgrund der analysierten Belege zu dem Schluss, dass Israel durch seine Handlungen und Unterlassungen einen Völkermord an den Palästinenser*innen im Gazastreifen begangen hat und weiterhin begeht…” @israel
#AmnestyDeutschland #StopGenocide
Vehicle carrying World Central Kitchen colleagues hit by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza (2024-11-30)
Beware: “colleagues”
“We are heartbroken to share that a vehicle carrying World Central Kitchen colleagues was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza.
“At this time, we are working with incomplete information and are urgently seeking more details.
“World Central Kitchen had no knowledge that any individual in the vehicle had alleged ties to the October 7th Hamas attack.
“World Central Kitchen is pausing operations in Gaza at this time…”
Watch for yourself how the director got “shout down”: @israel
#NanGoldin #FakeAntisemitism
Nan Goldin Addresses War in Gaza at Berlin Exhibition Opening: ‘Are You Afraid to Hear This, Germany?’ (Art News, 2024-11-22)
“With tension mounting surrounding her solo show at Berlin’s Neue Nationalgalerie, Nan Goldin delivered an impassioned speech at the exhibition’s opening in which she called on Germany to take seriously those who are seeking a ceasefire in Israel’s war in Gaza.”
“She went on to note a concurrent rise in Islamophobia that she said was being ‘ignored’ by the German state. ‘The weaponization of antisemitism is being aimed at the Palestinian community in this country and those who speak in support for them,’ she added. ‘The #ICC is talking about genocide. The #UN is talking about genocide. Even the #Pope is talking about genocide. Yet we’re not supposed to talk about this as genocide. Are you afraid to hear this, #Germany ?’”
#NanGoldin #FakeAntisemitism #Berlin #NameGenocideGenocide
deleted by creator
Skimmed through the article, despite its title, the issue is not about AOC alone, the fact that
“Representatives Cori Bush of Missouri, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan were the only Democrats to vote no on the resolution”
has more weight, imho.
#IHRA #FakeAntisemitism #USPol #RashidaTlaib
See also: 200 people or events canceled in Germany for criticising Israel or showing solidarity to Palestinians | Matthias Monroy
(via )
[in German]
Wegen Israel-Kritik gecancelt: Künstler*in moniert Antisemitismus-Beschuldigung, propalästinensische Gruppe sieht »Zensur« (nd, 2024-11-21) @israel
#NieWiederIstJetzt #FakeAntisemitism
Situation in the State of Palestine: ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I rejects the State of Israel’s challenges to jurisdiction and issues warrants of arrest for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant | International Criminal Court
#ICC official Press Release: 21 November 2024
My pleasure.
FYI, in “Politbarometer”, a popular poll broadcasted monthly in ZDF (the 2nd public tv in #Germany ) , it’s been already obvious that majority (e.g. 69 % in March) find Israeli military activities in Gaza unjustified. cf.,
Jewish Organizations Around the Globe Condemn German Parliamentary Resolution on Antisemitism
[List of organisations 1/2] @israel
• A Different Jewish Voice (Netherlands)
• Agrupación mexicana de judíxs interdependientes
• Alternative Jewish Voices of Aotearoa/New Zealand
• Antizionist Jewish Alliance in Belgium – AJAB (Belgium)
• Articulação Judaica de Esquerda (Brazil)
• Boycott from Within (Palestine/Israel)
• Dayenu – New Zealand Jews Against Occupation
• Een Andere Joodse Stem (Belgium)
• Erev Rav (Netherlands)
• European Jews for Palestine
• Global Jews for Palestine
• International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (Canada)
• International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (UK)
• Israelis Against Apartheid (Israel/Palestine)
• Jewish Call for Peace (Luxembourg)
• Jewish Network for Palestine (UK)
• Jewish Voice for Labour (UK)
• Jewish Voice for Peace (USA)
• Jews for Palestine – Ireland
• Jews Say No! (USA)
… Our solidarity with Palestinians is already exposing us to police violence, and the antisemitism of those who would force us to be Zionists blends perfectly with the antisemitism of those who would put us in concentration camps.
Instead of uniting society in the fight against all discrimination, any such resolution will divide minorities by focusing only on one. But the present resolution goes much further, demanding that the whole of German society accept the state’s support for Israel and its countless documented crimes, and that those who resist this doctrine of genocide should be punished by all available means, …
The call of “never again” was meant as a warning against the very crimes being perpetrated by Israel in Palestine, yet this resolution desecrates it by using it for a racist agenda that promotes rather than prevents antisemitism, and harms Jews along with other minorities. It must be opposed in every possible way.
Despite claiming that freedom of speech, art and science must be protected, the resolution paves the way for an even greater stifling of those freedoms than has already been widespread, especially since October 2023. All major parties are now officially in favour of preventing funding for any project challenging the pro-Israel consensus and of silencing, uninviting, dismissing or even deporting anyone associated with such activities. The centrality of such funding gives the state immense powers of censorship, which inevitably lead to increasing self-censorship by those who wish to avoid repression. Given the rightward shift of German society and politics, it will not take long for such tools to fall into the hands of fascists. We already see the far right cynically using philosemitism (itself a racist phenomenon) as a cover for racism, and we know all too well that the people itching to expel Muslims will not hesitate to do the same with Jews…
… The writings by scholars criticizing the definition are too many to mention, and even one of its main authors, Kenneth Stern, has expressed his dismay at the use of the definition to stifle opposition to Israeli policies. Similarly, experts from the legal, cultural and academic fields, have warned against this resolution. And, like the Bundestag’s infamous anti-BDS resolution of 2019, the new one exploits its status as a non-binding statement to make demands that would be blatantly unconstitutional in actual legislation. As the 2019 resolution demonstrated, the repressive obedience found in German institutions is sufficient to turn even a text with no legal force into a de facto law, relying on the chilling effect that accompanies any potential accusation of antisemitism. And while that resolution called for combatting the boycott movement, the present one seeks to outlaw it.
“Christ Is Still in the Rubble”: Bethlehem Rev. Isaac Calls on U.S. to Stop Funding Gaza Genocide (Democracy Now!, 2024-12-23)