Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te qui prima oportere sapientem. Te per quis graeco, eu odio sanctus gloriatur sea. Et amet eros recusabo ius, sed ex invidunt deseruisse. Equidem lucilius eu his, eu mel tollit propriae sensibus. Mel saepe labitur electram ut. Dolores suscipit ad ius. Eum ne natum mundi albucius.

  • Pankkake@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I tested high on the IQ scale. I’m single, unemployed and have trouble making friends.

    I know I’m just a stranger on the Internet, but those are symptoms of gifted people.

    You should look into giftedness. I’ve recently read a book on it (in french), and it’s helped me lots in understanding my condition, my differences with others as well as the challenges I face in the corporate world.

    I’d be happy to talk about it if you wish!