ID: photo of Martin Luther King Jr. waving at the crowd during the March on Washington, on it is his quote: “He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”

  • sigmaklimgrindset
    1 month ago

    I understand your point, but as you said:

    But just staying at home, doing nothing and then saying “I told you so” is just dumb.

    There are people WHO VOTED who are doing this, because it’s “not their responsibility” anymore.

      1 month ago

      There are people WHO VOTED who are doing this, because it’s “not their responsibility” anymore.

      There are a lot of people like this, they did the bare minimum and feel like that’s enough, I mean at least it’s something? Still far from enough, I agree with that.

      In these times I often think about the Berthold Brecht poem “Wer Zuhause bleibt”-“Whoever stays at home”.

      Wer zu Hause bleibt, wenn der Kampf beginnt Und lässt andere kämpfen für seine Sache Der muss sich vorsehen: denn Wer den Kampf nicht geteilt hat Der wird teilen die Niederlage. Nicht einmal den Kampf vermeidet Wer den Kampf vermeiden will: denn Es wird kämpfen für die Sache des Feinds Wer für seine eigene Sache nicht gekämpft hat.

      Translation :

      Whoever stays at home when the fight begins and lets others fight for his cause must beware: For whoever has not shared the fight will share the defeat. Not even avoiding the fight helps anymore, because he who has not fought (for his own cause) has fought for the cause of the enemy.

      Italics added by me