Now’s Your Chance!
Everyone who knows what the Democrats need to do - get thee hence!
Here’s a hint:
When Harris was out giving speeches heavy on economic populism, polls consistently showed her in the lead.
When, at the behest of the donor class and their stooges in the DNC, she switched away from populism and to standard, vacuous neo-liberalism, that lead vanished, never to return.
There’s an important question though. Does the DNC actually want to win?
I honestly don’t think they do. I think they’ve found a comfortable and profitable role as the controlled opposition, all of this hand-wringing is just for show, and what they’re in fact going to do is just install another bunch of neo-liberal establishment hacks and go right back to their standard tactics of condemning the republicans while making excuses for failing to actually do anything about them, and promising that if only we give them more money, they’ll surely stand up for us after the next election.
I’d love for them to prove me wrong. I would’ve loved that anyway, but it’s especially significant now, because the US is circling the bowl, and the time for meaningfully promising anything is rapidly running out. This isn’t just a moment when the DNC needs to step up to reclaim some integrity - they need to step up to do their part to save the US from the destruction the Trumpists are hellbent on bringing.
Will they?
I’m with you, they seem to really like being the underdogs and it seems to work out well for them from a fundraising perspective. It definitely feels like they’re angling to just barely lose.
I hope they eventually prove me wrong too, but it does feel like when they do well enough to win it’s mostly an unfortunate accident in their eyes.
I too would LOVE to be proven wrong but it is seems unlikely.
Does the DNC actually want to win? I honestly don’t think they do.
Yes. They do.
It’s not a super-duper-double-twist-psyop-gotcha-infinity-plus-one “controlled opposition”. That’s just on tv. In real life, it turns out to be really hard to get people out to the polls on election day. And the champions of evil have been working that point down to the ground for decades.
In real life, it turns out to be really hard to get people out to the polls on election day.
When you’ve pissed away all your credibility, it is.
Oh you sweet summer child.
This dude used to post memes claiming Biden was the most progressive canidate since FDR, you can ignore every time they praise the DNC.
I dunno, it seems like it should be more . . y’know. Specific. The first part anyway. “Don’t fuck with a primary” is pretty self-explanatory, but there are things the DNC has to do to run a primary, so we should probably get specifics for that too.
Yeah. i’d bet they’d agree with you.
The first part anyway. “Don’t fuck with a primary” is pretty self-explanatory, but there are things the DNC has to do to run a primary, so we should probably get specifics for that too.
This assumes they’ll be running primaries at all.
Have they thought about electing a human being instead of a chair? 🤔
Furniture would be an improvement.
Unfortunately all discussions have been tabled.
This just reminds me of how Clint Eastwood talked to “Obama” via an empty chair.
I think the empty chair would be an improvement at this point.
Haha, I’ll see you all in 2028 after 4 years of no change and primary rigging again.
So you’re in there, fighting for your changes?
Things remain as you like them, but now it’s mlg’s fault for not singlehandedly fixing it.
IMO Hakeem Jeffries should also be replaced as minority leader / speaker. He’s about as exciting as a wet dish rag. Great that he’s on message but it’s so transparently measured and calculated. Exactly why Pelosi groomed him to take over, I’m guessing. Just an absolute milk sandwich of a man.
I’ve always found the way he speaks confusing. Does he have a disability that I’m not aware of?
Fair, but we’re talking about the DNC itself, not the House leadership. Anyone know anything about anyone on the “short list”?
the dnc should just pay trump to run as a dem in 2028
This is genius had it been 2016, but now his price is in the 10s of billions.
accounted for with step 3 thank you for your input
People want change, people voted for change, as terrible of a change it is. That’s it, you don’t have to think further than that. Preserving the status quo at all costs is what got them in this situation…
However. That’s a little to vague. You’ll need to specify a little more there.
When the Democrats prove that they exist to force the poors down as wealth inequality increases, then the poors won’t see their lives improve under democratic leadership.
We need a leftist party
Well, good luck with that.
Good luck with making excuses for why nothing should improve or change
Uh, . . . good luck accusing people of things they didn’t do?
I hear that overturned police cars can be “built” into effective barricades.
So . . you’re for the DNC . . overturning police cars.
Sure, why not. Someone write that down.
I didn’t specify the DNC, but sure.
Now this is gonna sound crazy. But if you actively improve the material conditions of people’s lives I’m pretty sure they’ll vote for you.
Biden did and he got the boot, along with all the Democrats. Trump didn’t and he won the popular vote.
I don’t think doing good matters.
I think doing tangible good matters.
You can’t give tens of billions to green energy companies and expect any actual workers in the country to get richer.
If he raised the min wage then poor people would tangibly benefit instead of the DNCs strategy of shouting down poor people when they say they can’t afford human needs
Unfortunately, POTUS can’t unilaterally increase minimum wage, which would require legislative action… and the tangible good he (and Democrats more generally) actually did do for people, like student loan forgiveness, abortion access, college admission rules that helped disadvantaged students, gun control, and the ability for federal agencies to hire experts in a field to help make intelligent decisions were all thrown out in the courts.
Doing good definitely matters. Getting the message out that you did so apparently matters more.
What we are seeing matters most though, is showing the other side did BAD.
showing the other side did bad
Thst’s been the dems whole platform for 8 years. “At least we’re not them.” Nobody wanted Biden, or Harris, we got stuck with those assholes and voted for them out of desperation. I know exactly what kind of people run the Democratic party. A bunch of old people who think they know everyhing just clinging to their positions. A bunch of old Karens.
Agree that “at least we aren’t them” doesn’t work. It needs to be more “Republican Matt Gaetz responds to allegations of PEDOPHILIA” and “Home insurance continues to rise under the gross MISMANAGEMENT of Ron Desantis - Floridians fleeing state” and maybe “Many are questioning if Republicans even know HOW to govern, as reliance on money from Democrat run states increases”.
You know, flashy clickbait headlines for the lazy (average) American voter. Republicans have shown even a stupid lie (they are eating the dogs!) told enough times convinces people.
We already know all of that and the dems still sat there with their dick in their hands because the kinds of people that run the party are incompentent and worry too much about pleasing the coalition of misfits that are actually involved in the party. They won’t ever let sensible people climb the ranks.
Yeah that’s true. Right now our two big leaders amount to the school bully and maybe an average student. It is a lot to ask the average student to stand up the school bully, even if it’s a lot of other students asking him.
We need real leaders. We need to volunteer ourselves so that the best of us can help lead the country. We keep asking for better but none of us want to step up.
You don’t even have to improve things, admitting the pain exists probably would have won.
Go on the fucking attack. Call out every Republican bullshit comment and flat out call them liars and embarass them in front of anyone they can.
Follow it up with lobbing accusations of their on non-stop
Yes, but make sure they know their job. It is to select candidates, without a primary, and make sure those candidates hold fundraising events for the elite class and do nothing for the low and working class. 🤦♂️
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Nobody else seems to have the take that when the Democrats ran a woman for President, they lost both times. When they ran men they won, going back to 2008.
Maybe the country isn’t ready to elect a woman.
Stooping to any despicable thing, including sexism, in a desperate attempt to avoid admitting neoliberalism is a loser.
First, the question itself is not sexist. If I ask if a black candidate didn’t get a job due to discrimination, the question is not racist.
Second, it’s a legitimate question. You have a narrative that Clinton and Harris lost because they don’t support progressive causes. They could also have lost because many Democrats and fence-sitters have a hard time getting fired up to vote for a woman. Sorry if that doesn’t automatically mean you’ll get what you want next time.
Mexico elected a woman. I guess they’re just more progressive than the US.
Maybe the country isn’t ready to elect a woman.
Someone’s scared of AOC.
You’ll have to expound on your logic, because it isn’t clear.
I think the Democratic Party has only decided the electorate is sexist and that a woman of color can’t win because they want an excuse to shut out AOC in 2028.
Particularly after how much hay they tried to make during the 2020 primaries about Warren’s accusation that Sanders said she couldn’t win because she’s a woman.
I see where you are coming from.
None of that means that the electorate isn’t sexist, though. It definitely is a factor. The debate should be over how much.
None of that depends on what an old white man did or didn’t say to Elizabeth Warren.
People are down voting but there was some element of that. People saying shit like “I just can’t see her behind the desk”. That’s either about her gender or her race. I don’t think it lost her the election though.
Funny how female Dem senators won in three of the swing states Kamala lost. Given the limited data, it’s hard to imagine how we could possibly have more evidence that you’re wrong.
Your dataset is two, and they both ran with very similar strategies of moving right to try to appeal to moderate Republicans. Biden meanwhile had the enormous failure of Covid working to his advantage.
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.
And yet she wasn’t President. So sexism can still matter.
Except that voter sexism isn’t what kept her out of the office. She won the popular vote by 3 million. That means people voted for her. The electoral college is at fault here.