Stop calling them tax breaks. People love tax breaks, even if not for them.
Call it a tax hike, because that’s what it is for 99% of people.
gross. the united states is already behind the rest of the world due to record low taxes. fuck this guy
Why don’t they just kill all these shits? I don’t get it anymore, there is no reason to pretend anything works, these shits cackle while people eat dirt… But why isn’t anybody doing anything?
there are still bottomfeeders who call these guys ‘job creators’… who think a little fascism is ok if it might help their paycheck or ‘lower prices’ which of course isnt going to happen. they post on lemmy regularly pretending democracy isnt dying for their selfishness
This some strange people. Everybody is working more, getting less, but I want a rich shithead to get more money because… What goes through their heads? Because I want my kids to eat garbage?
The major three currents of thought I’ve noticed are:
“They earned that money fairly, and by fairly I mean they didn’t get caught doing anything legal (Or did get caught but didn’t face consequences), which means they’re smart, thus more deserving than people who weren’t smart enough to do it. The fact they have that much money proves they deserve it”
“I don’t like when I have to pay taxes and think they should be lowered or gone, this is now an ideological position rather than a position based on personal self interest, therefore I will support any tax cuts even if they don’t benefit me directly”
“ I dislike these government programs, but, these programs are generally popular. So I can’t convince a majority to support cutting them. Instead, I will support cutting taxes to increase the budget deficit and then support cutting the programs to shrink the budget deficit”
The thing in common is you need to be a shit to think them. But the tax legends are really amazing, like, sure, let’s raise my taxes so Musk doesn’t have to pay anything at all to… I don’t know what kind of mental yoga, circus and gymnastics justify that
It’d be great if there was like a uhhh donation fund to help puppies… if you know what I’m saying
I don’t even know how to boycott them without doing some minor/major plumbing work to install a bidet. They own like every brand of toilet paper and paper towel you can buy.
It’s not that bad to install an in-seat unit. The hose gets attached inline to your toilet’s water line, but you do need/want an outlet nearby.
Truly a massive Koch.
This fucker needs to follow his brothers example already… He got the picture, it’s your turn now.
So it’s worth at least 5x than that to him.