• aegisgfx877
      1711 months ago

      I would LOVE to see Putins body dragged in the streets… omg the justice boner I get just thinking about that

    • @Madison420@lemmy.world
      511 months ago

      You ever seen funky town? Piss people off and shut gets rowdy quick. We like to talk about French beheadings but that was more or less the tame shit.

  • Puppy
    11 months ago

    Gosh I hate to day this but… Russia is a country at war.

    This is a fact. And because the war almost entirely happens on Ukrainian soil, Russians seems to forget they are at war and civilians casualties WILL happen. The same is happening in Ukraine on a much bigger scale.

    It sucks, yeah, but it’s war. And this is why pretty much everybody is telling Russia to get the fuck out of Ukraine.

    And some of you may think “well this is just common sense, why does it have to be said?” Because Russians think they shouldn’t suffer any consequence from this.

    In their heads, Ukraine should be the only country having to suffer losses.

    Call me an asshole but these two young innocent ladies should not have been out in the open streets like that while at war. Imaging taking a stroll with your infant daughter in Berlin 1945, this sound stupid right? Well to me, this is exactly the same.

    Supporting war is all fun and games until it hit home. Now it becomes a lot less funny all of a sudden. Yet, it’s only 1% of what they’re doing in Ukraine. I won’t cry about that.

    And yes, I get that this is just a Putin’s power trip and he’s solely responsible for this war but you’d be surprised how many of these RuZZians fucks supports this. The Russian people can decide any day of the week to risk it all and cut the leader’s head but they don’t care to do that, because they don’t see the war firsthand.

    Let this be a grim reminder that no one is safe when your country is at war. None. Fuck Putin, fuck RuZZians and fuck war.

    /end of rant

    • @peanuts4life@beehaw.org
      2511 months ago

      The situation in Ukraine is quite different from WWII bombing raids. Russian attacks are spread out, less targeted, and generally less devistating in secure, Ukrainian held territory. I disagree that Ukrainians should be sheltering at all times, or that if they choose to leave the house they are less deserving of anyone’s pity when they are murdered.

      You would almost certainly be walking to the corner store, or attending a social event if you lived there.

      • Puppy
        -811 months ago

        I want then to realize they are at war and that this is not just a 3 days special operation.

        I know this is not ideal but at war, staying home is probably safer than singing and dancing in the streets.

        They think it’s a joke but the truth is, this will escalate and more innocent people will die - from both side.

        I don’t wish death upon anybody, I want them safe. This is why I think it’s stupid for them to be outside out in the open ESPECIALLY nearby a war manufacturing factory

        • FreeBooteR69
          1211 months ago

          It doesn’t matter where they are in Ukraine, russians send missiles into homes/apartment buildings, schools, and hospitals. Probably most bomb shelters are inadequate, so that’s out of the question. Sad reality is, this is their reality and they have to get about their lives and business regardless of what russia does. Defiance to the enemy, heroyam slava!

        • @Luci@lemmy.ca
          1011 months ago

          No. Fuck Russian leadership. Let’s make it clear, the aggression is Putin and his choices.

          • @avater@lemmy.world
            1311 months ago

            and most of the russian people are supporting it…I wish it would be different, but even with more than a year into it, with all the sanctions, the deaths, the changed lifestyle, 2/3 of the russian population (rich, poor, countryside or towns) are supporting the russian leadership and the war…

              • @avater@lemmy.world
                511 months ago

                that’s too easy…the hate for all what is west is anchored deeply in the russian society. This country has been brainwashed for centuries.

                • @blunderworld@lemmy.ca
                  11 months ago

                  In a way, can you blame the average Russian for being afraid to speak out against leadership, whatever their personal feelings may be? Ever heard of Lenin? Stalin? The Romanovs? Political dissidents are not and never were treated kindly in Russia.

            • MxM111
              411 months ago

              Yes, this is due to propaganda, made and controlled by Russian leadership. There is no independent press or TV in Russia.

            • @blunderworld@lemmy.ca
              11 months ago

              The average Russian isn’t to blame. Are many of them brainwashed? Yes, but that alone doesn’t make them evil. Also, I’m pretty sure you made up that 2/3 of Russians statistic.

              Don’t let the decisions of a handful of legacy-obsessed warmongers trick you into hating the population of an entire country.

                • @blunderworld@lemmy.ca
                  11 months ago

                  Did you even read the article you posted?

                  According to the most recent ExtremeScan poll, support for the war fell 13% in one year — from 64% in March and April 2022 to 51% in April 2023. That is significant, but it’s clearly not enough to make the Putin regime tremble.  

                  There is some greater light cast by other surveys, however. Russian Field found that only 27% of Russians support further military escalation while 34% want peace talks. Slightly confusingly, 33% favor both options at the same time. The trends are clear enough — backing for the war is on a slowly declining path and the issue is extremely divisive. More importantly, the reasons and justifications people use to make sense of the war have shifted.

        • Jay
          311 months ago

          I hope him and every single one of his enablers take a ripe pineapple up the butt.

        • @Ducks@ducks.dev
          611 months ago

          Your first comment makes it seem like you’re putting blame on Ukraine, even though your other comments clarify you’re not in support of Russia. At least that’s how it read to me.

        • DarkThoughts
          211 months ago

          I’m confused. Did the title say “Putin’s missile” originally?