I liked the pre-season more.
It almost is the same picture. He’s slightly looking down and to our right. Same scowl on his face.
The teaser poster is always better than the official one
Maybe he’s only got one look now?
Blue Steel
That’s not his real fucking picture, is it?
Edit: it is, and he looks like he’s in the middle of adjusting his dentures. At least consider your age in the photo, please.
have you seen j d vamces? he looks like he has to go to the bathroom real bad
The Trump-Vance transition said in a press release that the portraits “go hard”.
JFC I hate this timeline.
Vance looks like a dip shit. Trump’s photo is quite hard though, not going to lie. It looks like the photo of the corrupt evil dictator of a dystopian revolution movie.
Oh wait…
In the grand scheme of things, they deserve what they got. But as a trained photographer, whoever did the lighting for these portraits did a terrible job. The fill and hair lights are okay (although the color temperature is all over the place, and doesn’t look like it’s an intentionally artistic choice), but the key light is way too bright. Looks like they somewhat masked it for Trump’s but may have just used the barndoors on the light so there’s a very dark shadow on his chest. With Vance they opened them up a bit, but he’s still got a weird shadow line from his right shoulder to his left elbow. They’d probably have gotten better pictures if they went to a JCPenney.
Why does he look evil? Was it necessary? Lol
That background is a mess. Why so many lines intersecting his right side? Is there any symbolism to that painting?
They’re both pretty terrible from a purely technical and compositional perspective.
Like bunny-eyes up there could ever be considered “hard”.
Why are they both doing the Kubrick Stare?
Vance’s seems fine, aside from the lighting and juxtaposition making him look like a background character. It’s troubling that they both look like goobers while they attempt to look menacing. The US is already menacing. The president is meant to look friendly to exemplify the “walk softly but carry a big stick” style of diplomacy. They’re both trying far too hard.
He’s a walk loudly with spittle dripping out your mouth type of guy. And the stick. It ain’t big.
It looks like he’s no longer pretending he isn’t the villain in the story.
Is he trying to look tough? Looks more like a fuckin dipshit than usual and that’s saying something.
He’s imitating famous Hitlers famous portrait style. Bold contrast, bad lighting above and to the side of a shoulder with a stern look (in children we usually call it poop face).
It’s also a clear nod to his mugshot which would be a great reference if he was arrested for some bold action of social justice, but it’s a reference to a pathetic stupid sleazy crime. We call it poop face in adults too.
Looking at his mugshot, it feels like he’s leaning into that.
He has input when it was taken so, yeah totally.
Poor guy looks so sad.
The new official portrait makes him look like he farted but isn’t quite sure what just came out.
Ha ha, wouldn’t it be funny if that were actually his official portrait?
Looks it up
Oh. Oh! Well, I can’t deny it’s extremely appropriate.
As a pro I’m just baffled by the choices made with lighting, I guess they tried to go for “powerful” but it just comes off as unflattering and tbh unprofessional, the right hand side is blown and the ratios are all off. Also for some reason it seems like they either blocked the light on his suit or it’s just that all the extra brightness on the face is sloppy post work…
They just used elons shitty AI, trump wouldn’t stand still long enough
no way, that’s the official portrait ? he looks like a deliberate villain
full concentration to not shit himself
Why? He’s got to be wearing adult diapers anyway.
Looks tired, low energy
He looks a bit like Biden there with the longer and squarer projection of the face, or maybe it’s just the elderly age.
As someone who watches some stuff only by bits with my significant other being the one actively watching it. I got sucked in and watched all of season 2 actively. Season 1 did not grab me the same way so I barely watched it as a whole.
I enjoyed season 1 a lot, but I loved season 2. Basically a perfect continuation in my book. I’m surprised it’s so controversial!
Yeah, why do people just want more of the same thing, that’s dumb. Season 2 had such a better premise than the first and the executed it great. I’m really looking forward to seeing how they end it with season 3 now