Translated from source:

⚡️ DESTROYED 30 CRUISE MISSILES AND 27 STRIKE DRONES ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ From the evening of August 5 to the morning of August 6, 2023, the Russian occupiers launched a massive missile attack on the territory of Ukraine with air and sea-based missiles, as well as Iranian attack drones “Shahed-136/131”.

In the first wave of the attack on the evening of August 5, the enemy used 14 Kalibr sea-based cruise missiles and three X-47 Dagger aeroballistic missiles. 12 out of 14 Calibers were destroyed by anti-aircraft defense. We do not disclose information about “Daggers”.

On the night of August 6, the enemy continued to attack with Shahed-136/131 UAVs from the southeast, Kalibr cruise missiles from the Black Sea, and Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles from Tu-95MS strategic aircraft from the Caspian region.

💥 All 27 Shahed-136/131 attack UAVs, 5 out of 6 Kalibr missiles (second wave) and 13 out of 20 air-based cruise missiles X- 101/X555.

So, in total, in several waves of attacks from the evening of August 5 to the morning of August 6, 2023, the enemy used 70 means of air attack.

Anti-aircraft defense destroyed: 🚀 13 Kalibr cruise missiles; 🚀 17 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles; 🛬 27 attack UAVs “Shahed-136/131”.

✌️ Let’s keep the sky! 🇺🇦 Together - to victory!

    11 months ago

    They stopped 88% of the missiles fired at them (not considering the unreported “Daggers”).

    11 months ago

    It’s about time we provided Ukraine with the means to take down these bombers before they can do more damage. Take the fight to russia.