Just curious. If we’re sharing the bed and I roll to not face her, my cat yells and marches over in front of whatever side I’m now facing and if there’s not enough room, that’s a problem for me to fix.
Just curious if this is standard cat behaviour or another adorably needy quirk of mine?
My 20-year-old baby girl insisted I face her as well. She would paw at the back of my head until I rolled over or moved her in front of me. She only started doing that over the past two years or so, but for about five years she would paw at me to lift the covers so she could snuggle under them or to hold her in my arms.
I had to put her to sleep just over two weeks ago on October 5. I miss her waking me up all the time for snuggles. I would trade every night of solid sleep in the world to have her with me still.
She sounds adorable, sorry you had to lose her, I hope you’re getting through it as best you can. My elderly cutie pie is deteriorating and loudly demands affection sporadically but I know I’d rather have her howling at me at whatever o’clock than not.
Thank you. I’m sorry you’re also caring for an aging pet. It’s hard but they are so, so worth it! Love her and her howls. Try to get pictures and videos of her! And give her an extra head kiss or scritch or whatever she likes best from me, please!
I gave her extra head skritches, kisses and a treat for you! I think she approved.
Big hugs, sounds like she was sweet
Thank you <3
She was the best! My soul pet. I had her for over half my life since she was 4 months old. We had a great life together and I’m so grateful for that, even though losing her leaves a gaping hole in my heart.
I have two cats and neither do this, but one wants to put her face as close to my mouth as possible. I can’t trust her though because sometimes she’ll touch my lips with her paw which is gross, and other times she’ll just sneeze onto my face from 0.5” away.
The other likes to sleep on me but panics every time I move even a little bit.
Classic cat.
I’d only add the two gross things that mine did while they were kittens is that they enjoyed licking my nose and eyes, for reasons known only to cats. That’s a hell of an alarm clock.
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Imaging sleeping over a freaking elefant and you suddenly feels like the asshole is rolling. Nope, nope, nope
Are you calling me fat?
(jk, yeah I get it, but he chooses to snuggle with the elephant!)
Not only facing me, but up IN my face to the point where it’s hard to breathe.
“This is not close enough. I want to be within you, Father” - my cat every night
Mine will only sleep on my hip. If I roll over and he falls off? Back on other hip.
Similar, but with my feet/ankles. She wants to be close, but isn’t a big fan of petting. I’m not always great at respecting that desire, so we compromise like this.
I’ve yet to meet a cat that doesn’t love a well done headscritch.
I have two cats, one does this.
If I adjust at all he jumps off the bed, grumbles and runs to the hallway. Then he glares at me from the darkness until he’s sure I won’t move again and comes back to sit in the exact same position.
That seems wild but adorable.
They sleep on the space next to me. It’s a queen-sized bed, so there’s plenty of space. I used to sleep on the sofa and they’d get
inon my chest, mostly during cold months.How did you survive the inverted chest bursting?
Ha, I couldn’t understand this comment until I looked back and saw my mistake.
Cat 1. Sleeps at the end of the bed. Cat 2, 3, 4 will sleep against my butt, not usually at the same time. Cat 5 sleeps on my second second pillow. Cat six sleeps against my chest and screams at me as he crawls back in to place after I roll over.
Too many cats.
My cat exhibits the same behavior
Glad mine isn’t the only one!
I have one that does this, too.
It usually doesn’t last super long; I get too hot with him near my chest, and he gets antsy if I’m not perfectly still. 🤷♂️
Our cat will put us to bed. When we turn the light off she will lay on my hip for 5-15 minutes then once she’s convinced I’m asleep (I’m not) she will hop off the bed and go do cat things (she tells us it’s catslified and we can’t know she does these cat things). She sometimes will lay on my wife for 30 seconds, maybe a minute but always lays on me. She’ll pace around too until I lay on my side so she can put me to bed.
In the winter she’ll come back and snuggle up with one of us because she likes the warmth and we keep it cooler at night. In the summer she’ll lays a bit further away near one of us (usually pinning the blanket down so I can’t get up). She is truly a creature of habit.
Haha… our older cat will actually start crying at us when it gets close to bed time because she likes to sleep on the bed with us. Once we are safely in bed, she will crawl up and meow in my face until I pet her for 10-15 minutes, at which point she is usually satisfied and will go sleep at the foot of the bed. Sometimes she will curl up on my legs for a little while, but she never stays there.
This might be blasphemy in this sub, but my dog has to sleep on my pillow. Doesn’t matter if there is another of the same pillow right next to it. She has to have some part of her body on the same one I’m on. Usually, she’ll be there before I get to bed and hogging the whole pillow.
My siamese liked to sleep between my legs, my tortie likes taking the pillow as her property and my other cat waits for me to stay still, then she very gently lies parallel to one of my arms or legs.
My cat used to do this. She always had to be the small spoon
My cat gets around this by sleeping on my neck
Trust a cat to find the least convenient “compromise.”
We have one that does the hip thing, another that sleeps near the feet end. The first cat I had was also a feet sleeper but would sometimes snuggle like the small spoon. If I were to move at all, it was off to the couch and staring at me.
My girl sleeps in my face. Like she’s a pillow that I have to touch. it doesn’t bother me too much because I sleep belly up (yes like a dead person) but when I turn to be on my side, if I’m not facing her, she will stand and go over my head to the other side util she lays down on my face. Not.very gpod.for alergies but I think she is so sweet that I just let her
I also have a queen size and another cat and a dog and all of them sleep with me (not forced but they want so I let)
I upgraded from a twin to queen but now thr cat feels more comfortable in the bed if it’s just us. But I’ve been trained by twin bed relationships to sleep on one side so it’s been an unlearning process. And sometimes when I’m on the side and she’s in the middle I have less space than I did with the twin!
i know… I don’t push my cat either, just sleep in less space lol
Haven’t experienced that with my cats. Mostly they just want the warmth of armpits or for my legs to make a convenient bed for them.