I correct the spell checker more than the spell checker corrects me
Yeah, I feel like even though it helps me sometimes it’s probably just a wash.
On my phone? All the damn time, since I use a lot of jargon and shorthand that it doesn’t understand, as well as a few neologisms. But, I’m a much worse typist on my phone.
On my Linux desktop or $dayjob’s Windows laptop? Almost never, as it is much less aggressive about replacing what I typed.
Depends on whether it thinks I’m living in America or not.
Do you mean color? No, no I do not.
Never. Turned that shit off. Don’t need it. If I can’t spell hippoospotiamus right now it’s your problem not mine.
All the time. Depending on the app and device, my spell checker might be set to American English, British English or Spanish. And I never check which before I start writing.
One quirk of not being a native speaker of English is that I don’t really have a default spelling - colour or color, it depends on what the spellchecker says
I’m American and am pretty inconsistent with some British vs American spellings. Definitely not with o vs ou, but I couldn’t even tell you which I use more between gray and grey.
Often. Stupid work PC is set to US English while I use Australian English.
Let me guess, it keeps trying to tell you that cunt is unacceptable.
na, it keeps saying I can’t spell favourite and colour correctly.
As a Canadian, same. And so much more.
Then you get people who spell with Canadian and American spelling and you wonder if you’ve been spelling things wrong or if once again, American culture is slipping in.
Disabled by default. Fuck that
And every other smart feature as well.
Basically it works like a regular old school desktop keyboard.The most of auto-complete I am using is on the terminal to auto-complete commands.
Less the spell checker and more the “swipe”. If it pulls the wrong word based on my swipe, the suggestions it offers as alternatives are closer to the word it incorrectly picked vs other words similar to what I swiped. So fucking irritating.
All the tine
All the ducking time!
I let auto carrot handle it and you decipher what I mean.
I turned mine off years ago because it was all the time.
although I get more irritated at grammar checkers.
At this point its main function is adding apostrophes and tildes to words. About half the time it does that when it’s not needed and needs correction. Eg. the first “its” in this comment.
That’s autocorrect, not a spellchecker.
Autocorrect is an automatic spellchecker (and sometimes grammar checker).
Is there a difference at this point? If it doesn’t automatically correct you, you don’t have to correct it back.
My company is European. Although all our templates are written in English, the check-language is set to Italian. So, pretty much every single word.
And yes, every time a new template comes out, we have to go through block by block and reset them to English. But even then a bunch slips through. Usually takes about a month to filter all the filters out.
I’ll never use a spell checker again. The last time, I ended up with my feet on backwards. That witch can’t spell check shit.