• @Tiuku
    62 years ago

    I recently found this tldr project for terms of service and privacy policies: https://tosdr.org

    Seems pretty neat!

  • @rhymepurple@lemmy.ml
    62 years ago

    In other news, water is wet. /s

    This is just another example of corporations pushing the limits of both the law/regulations and what people are willing to accept in order to increase profits. Its analogous to predatory practices enabled by fine print in contracts, terms and conditions, advertisements, etc. “We value your privacy - your data will never be sold ~we’ll only share your data with our 35 trusted data brokers~” is the new “You qualify for an unlimited credit card with 0 percent financing ~introductory interest rate expires after initial purchase and becomes 200 percent on top of additional fines and fees for each additional purchase~”.