• webghost0101
    6 months ago

    You must have the wrong idea of exactly how much i loath supremist ideology.

    Fascist like Trump are not capable of reason and should not be able to reach so many vulnerable people.

    Everytime we share a post about these non humans or someone hands them a mic, a website doesn’t ban them, we give them power.

    My post aren’t different in sentiment from those calling republicans “weird” i just have a more convoluted way of expressing that weirdness they emit and genuinely do not understand the obsession about people origins or genitals. Its 2024, free travel has existed for a while now. Your skin color says literally nothing anymore except in the sick mind if some broken people who are not worth sharing their opinion by others.

    In the end these people did not even care about how rational they sound, they just wanted to cause some hurt.

    I am pretty sure Kamala slept on both ears or possibly even laughed at seeing this nonsense,

    In the meantime, we, clearly both leftists at hearth. Have been infighting… for what reason exactly? What caused this anger? The nonsensical tweet of a racist did, like some magic spell.

    Thats what i am trying to go against. I no longer want to give them the power of us assuming there words have a value or meaning.

    I assumed people would be able to perceive that meaning from my words but alas.

    Sorry to anyone i may have confused.