PSA: “Archiving” is a general legal-neutral and safe term you can use with co-workers.
Wether i am also a pirate one may speculate but i am always an archivist.
PSA: “Archiving” is a general legal-neutral and safe term you can use with co-workers.
Wether i am also a pirate one may speculate but i am always an archivist.
Not recommended for health. But i sometimes drink a energy drink just before bed because it makes me fall asleep easier.
Which does not mean i cant use it to feel awake if i need to.
Drugs are weird and react uniquely to our body chemistry.
How much weight in poop are we talking here exactly?
Now explain why Harry Kim was not promoted during Voyager
I do use LXC but those are still pretty much a virtual machine.
I unironically do this in proxmox. Keeps things nice and separate and i still have plenty ram left.
Its more that the oligarchs interest in robbing the government align adjecent with those of US adversaries.
Its a failsafe for if the plan to end election and rule forever fails. It technically doesn’t matter who is president anymore, aslong as they play along with the plan.
I agree that those are way over the top but attractive packaging for selling drugs is just not ok. And i say this as an enjoyer. Responsible use is common and normal human behavior.
Completely neutral package with a clear label of for informed, responsible, adult use is just sensible.
But i want to stretch that the image it is sold as does not mean that should be the final look. There is a lot of potential creativity left to make something safe to put on a shelf or site but is in hand still classy for the user to enjoy. After all, the good vibes of aesthetics on the table are not nearly as bad as those from the drug itself, while taking that away actually puts more emphasis in that purely chemical high.
If we go to far we with with neutralizing we could end deciding that flavors make drugs appealing (flavored cigarettes are actually band in places) but for liquor that can backfire to reducing everything to wodka.
“Brussels-based Hind Rajab Foundation”
Its good news some people are working for accountability but “Belgium justice machine” sounds like something government which it is not.
It is the literal plan. No matter what Trump said, he probably never read it himself. Those that are behind it only have to suggest it step for step and he agrees.
Also to consider are the non acting ones that want professional help but become terrified to open up about it.
Something that is under control is almost by definition not dangerous. And successful cases of this help persuade others to volunteer to get help themselves.
If you befriend gen z and autists. You wont have this problem with them.
Can confirm, i am already struggling in life for both of us.
FYI, voyager started as a hyper performant webapplication namef wefwef
I still have it as a shortcut on my phone as a backup to the official app
Gotto be honest your comments smell like trollshit
Please do go ahead and organize strategies to dismantle oppression. It is exactly what we need. This is not irony. I mean it.
Like i said: Do not wait for Sanders he is just setting example of what everyone should be doing. Nothing more.
Correct me if i am wrong but i always consider it actually saves bandwidth.
If you watch a vid in full you have essentially downloaded it in cache. Rewinding, skipping can mean your actually dowloaded parts multiple times. While a script downloads it exactly once to enjoy full quality and performance.
This is of course if you do watch them all. Which is why i combine it with invidious for everything thats not a favorite. I have a few filters to weed out live, shorts, certain series on a channel.
The reason i am not using invidious for everything is cause some stuff i really want to keep and google does break invidious every few months requiring a reinstall at worst. I still dont want that to cause me to miss my comfortshows.
Organizing: coming together as a group to plan about shared interests.
No Sanders is not needed as a Sheppard, neither is he trying to be. You really are missing the point.
People bond with eachother. To know your neighbors, to build stronger communities including knowing who is willing to come out armed to defend those communities.
What should mothers and children do in this climate? Hold riffles? Hide in a basement? If you don’t know the answer you must start with organizing.
Don’t wait for Sanders.
Missing the entire point.
Sanders is leading an example of organizing.
Communities will come outside to join, show face to eachother and strengthen their bond; no matter what happens.
You don’t actually belief a lone wolf can fix thing?
If they impeach, the senate can vote to end his presidency with 2/3 majority vote. Thats the only political weapon that remains.
Slap on the wrist is just stalling so more time to do damage.
I do think the fact that being dresses in fur makes you look like a total asshole has much to do with this.
If only there was some equally obvious way to identify someone as fascist. Something like them shouting fascist ideology, hanging out with other likeminded assholes and doing a certain awkward arm gesture. Then without a doubt we could interpret them also as a total asshole just like if they would be wearing furs. Right?
Cruealla be like these furs are legaly sourced and those pups where clearly hardend criminals. I know someone who got bit by a dog once. We had to shoot it down as a response. does shooting motion while winking All that dog food they leach from us, and infrastructure like their own public toilets. its a total total fraud by woke pet lovers.