I don’t really understand Canonical’s decisions. Early on Ubuntu really did make things simpler, but now days most distros have caught up in terms of usability, and now it just seems like Canonical tries to do things differently for no benefit. (See trying Unity, but switching back to Gnome, or trying Mir, but switching back to Wayland.)

  • ufra@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    Interesting. I have thought of them as more in partnership with Microsoft, but no doubt Google and others have their fingers in any influential community with millions of users.

    Canonical’s partnership with Microsoft in assisting with the development of WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and the forthcoming addition of a GUI to this Windows 10 feature means that Ubuntu’s profile is increasing.

    Do you have more information wrt Google ? I skimmed through their governance page and couldn’t find anything.
