If you meant a man had several female partners, you had the right word. Polyamory doesn’t care whether the person in charge is male or female. Polygamy means a man had many women
Sorry bro but this is a Reddit like platform, not an old school forum, people don’t care about 7 months old posts… Hell they don’t care about a 2 days old post.
The only reason being that you resurrected the conversation for them by replying to me.
The vast majority sorts by “all top 6h” so no, I’m not the odd one out and you’ll notice it if you start paying attention to the age of the comments you’re replying to.
Turns out there may be more to this evolution thing than ‘first past the post’. Non-reproductive members of a species can help other members of the species to survive.
Essentially it’s not about getting “my genes” into the next generation, it’s really about getting the genes of “my species” into the next generation, and beyond.
Well, yeah, whatever floats your boat, gets you going, rings your bell, dings your dong, pops your champagne cork, whatever bangs your drum, tinkles your tonkles, whatever gets into your groove and whatever, quite frankly, bedazzles your vajazzle or spurts your spunk. That kind of satisfaction. Just so we’re clear. Hope that answers your question.
We are animals, monogamy is not a part of humanity like it is in penguins.
Our penises reshaped over millenia of orgies just to get all the other guys cum out.
We are sluts of the animal world, like rabbits
when you realize this it makes a lot more sense how fucked up the world is, of course everyone’s going to be miserable when they’re evolved to have sex at least 3 times per day with 5 different people and yet things look like they do!
I think it says we’re better off than other animals. Human women would fuck multiple men, the men competed to have better dicks for extracting his cum and replace it with yours
Other animals fought for the chance to mate, it seemed like humans shared
i mean yeah evolutionarily we have a better setup, but i’m talking about how things are right now. right now most people are constantly stressed out and feeling like absolute dogshit, and it’s no wonder when we’re all so miserably isolated. Humans are absurdly social creatures, we need contact to survive, and yet society is built in a way that makes it extremely difficult.
It implies that there were enough guys getting sloppy seconds for dick shape to give a reproductive advantage.
While it could have been from a lot of free love in the ancient past, I suspect it’s more likely much darker than that and the evolution of cuckolds is intertwined.
Female human here. I’ve honestly always just read it literally, a person having sex second in a multiple partner scenario, and it being sloppy down there for all involved. There’s just as much guy in the statement as there is girl, doesn’t seem all that problematic to me.
This implies that there’s some sort of evolutionary advantage to getting sloppy seconds. I don’t know how I feel about that.
Everyone loves a good underdog story.
deleted by creator
Well, do you think women consent was at thing back in the early days of homo sapiens?
Yes I do. Do I think every sex was consensual? No. Do I think at least 1% of women had at one point consented to sex? Yes.
nah poligamy were just the norm
Polyamory is the word you’re looking for polygamy assumes marriage
However “-amory” implies romantic relationships. We’re talking sexual interactions, not love.
When discussing animal social behaviours, “polygamy” is used.
oh, i didn’t knew that thanks
If you meant a man had several female partners, you had the right word. Polyamory doesn’t care whether the person in charge is male or female. Polygamy means a man had many women
i mean yeah, if your tribe goes around raping other tribes’ women that’s going to get everyone you know and love put on the “kill on sight” list.
Look at how you’re sorting things, this comment you’re replying to is 7 months old
bro 7 months is fucking nothing on the internet, people reply to 7 year old comments all the time. This is a forum not a chat
Sorry bro but this is a Reddit like platform, not an old school forum, people don’t care about 7 months old posts… Hell they don’t care about a 2 days old post.
and yet you had to say this, so clearly people do care about old posts, and you’re the odd one out.
The only reason being that you resurrected the conversation for them by replying to me.
The vast majority sorts by “all top 6h” so no, I’m not the odd one out and you’ll notice it if you start paying attention to the age of the comments you’re replying to.
well then tough shit i guess, you’ll just have to accept that no one else gives a shit what you think.
Consider that one of our two closest ape relatives is the bonobo. They settle arguments with head jobs, ask for favours the same way
We’re clearly not as bad as ducks
Ok what’s happening, it’s the second reply to this 7 months old comment that I get this week
I sort by new comments, so this thread would have appeared in my feed because that previous person commented in it
Oh, so that’s why it’s such a turn on, it’s evolutionary advantage!
No that’s the gay.
If being gay (not bi) is so obviously an evolutionary disadvantage, how does it exist in humans and animals in statistically significant numbers?
Turns out there may be more to this evolution thing than ‘first past the post’. Non-reproductive members of a species can help other members of the species to survive.
Essentially it’s not about getting “my genes” into the next generation, it’s really about getting the genes of “my species” into the next generation, and beyond.
That makes a lot of sense.
Because we like it and liking things is reason to live.
It doesn’t matter how long you live if you have no offspring. It feels like, statistically, gay people really shouldn’t exist. Yet here we are.
Hi, it’s me, the strangely existing gay person!
Species survive not just as individuals, but as groups.
And long, long, long may you exist and be happy, NikkiDimes.
Live long, prosper, and be gay (and do crime)! 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
You do that. Well perhaps not the crime!
OK. May your life be full of love and… er, … satisfaction.
The Benny Benassi kind?
Well, yeah, whatever floats your boat, gets you going, rings your bell, dings your dong, pops your champagne cork, whatever bangs your drum, tinkles your tonkles, whatever gets into your groove and whatever, quite frankly, bedazzles your vajazzle or spurts your spunk. That kind of satisfaction. Just so we’re clear. Hope that answers your question.
Fucking a woman after someone else is so gay /s
We are animals, monogamy is not a part of humanity like it is in penguins.
Our penises reshaped over millenia of orgies just to get all the other guys cum out. We are sluts of the animal world, like rabbits
when you realize this it makes a lot more sense how fucked up the world is, of course everyone’s going to be miserable when they’re evolved to have sex at least 3 times per day with 5 different people and yet things look like they do!
I think it says we’re better off than other animals. Human women would fuck multiple men, the men competed to have better dicks for extracting his cum and replace it with yours
Other animals fought for the chance to mate, it seemed like humans shared
i mean yeah evolutionarily we have a better setup, but i’m talking about how things are right now.
right now most people are constantly stressed out and feeling like absolute dogshit, and it’s no wonder when we’re all so miserably isolated. Humans are absurdly social creatures, we need contact to survive, and yet society is built in a way that makes it extremely difficult.
It implies that there were enough guys getting sloppy seconds for dick shape to give a reproductive advantage.
While it could have been from a lot of free love in the ancient past, I suspect it’s more likely much darker than that and the evolution of cuckolds is intertwined.
deleted by creator
I wasn’t equating women with anything, nor making any sort of generalization. If that’s what you saw in that, that’s on you.
deleted by creator
Female human here. I’ve honestly always just read it literally, a person having sex second in a multiple partner scenario, and it being sloppy down there for all involved. There’s just as much guy in the statement as there is girl, doesn’t seem all that problematic to me.
Second human woman here, I concur. I always just thought that term implied the…goopiness of the act itself in a humorous way
Goopiness is a great word.
Female humans on the internet?
Impossible. I call bullshit.
Please don’t tell on me, I don’t want to go back to the bad place.
shhh, mention not the name of the bad place. it triggers.
shut up