• Zaktor
    3 months ago

    It is 100% going to be an establishment hack, I have no doubt in my mind about that, but I don’t care. Biden is an establishment hack, but one who most importantly can’t win the election. We’re not getting worse moving to a different hack that can form thoughts on the fly.

    • WatDabney
      3 months ago

      We’re not getting worse moving to a different hack that can form thoughts on the fly.

      Though I don’t like it a bit, that’s my position too, but with one glaring exception.

      The thing that keeps haunting me is that I really think there’s a good chance that they’ll go back to Hillary, who’s basically everything that’s wrong with the current Democrats turned up to 11 - a plainly corrupt, transparently power-hungry and entirely self-serving opportunist who gives paid speeches on Wall Street, idolizes Kissinger and has all the charisma of a damp rag. As far as I can see, her only real qualifications for the office are that she wants it so desperately and she’s so willing to sell herself to anyone who will contribute to getting her there. And she’s the one possibility that I would say is far and away the least likely to win. But she brings in the corporate money, and that’s obviously the DNC’s main priority.

      If it’s pretty much anybody else, that’s fine by me.

      • Zaktor
        3 months ago

        Nah, not a chance. She hasn’t been mentioned in anything, feels old when we want someone who isn’t, and is a proven failure. Some diehards can say it’s “not her fault”, but we’re all traumatized due to her failure. Same way some people still post Notorious RGB style memes, but they just cause discomfort among the rank and file that now associate her with stubbornness resulting in massive Democratic backslide. Normies don’t hate her, but they rightfully recognize that she’s problematic and power brokers know when someone’s dead-on-arrival. There are plenty of corporate Democrats that haven’t been publicly tarnished for them to invest in.