• SudoDnfDashYOP
      3 years ago

      So sorry I forgot, I will add it to the blog post.

      Edit: I added it at the bottom of the post.

      • Nice! Sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude! That’s just one of my pet peeves. :)

        I do appreciate the actual date being on the post though! Far too many blogs neglect the date entirely, and far too many use an annoying relative date (“written 3 days ago” or whatever).

        • SudoDnfDashYOP
          23 years ago

          I could that you weren’t trying to be rude. The date is automatic when using Jekyl for blogs.

  • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
    53 years ago

    I used it with TrueOS and was the DE that I liked most.

    However, since the change of the direction about TrueOS and the fact that there is no Debian packages made me reconsider the option time later.

    Now I am using Trinity by default.

    • SudoDnfDashYOP
      53 years ago

      I’m using Debian too. Building it from source is very easy and painless, but Trinity is a good option too.

      • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        The problem is upgrading.

        I have no issues in the same Debian version but If I change for any reason the version and libs change with it, the upgrade would leave the desktop broken or possibly broken, making me having to recompile again.

        This will also need to be done to any upgrade (even security fix) that is done to the project.

        The other issue is that Lumina team lists in their website that Debian has packages when it doesn’t.

        Edited: Okay, Lumina releases seem to be quiet, that is something good.

  • Helix
    43 years ago

    While KDE comes with a lot of applications, there is almost nothing that comes with Lumina.

    KDE doesn’t come with a lot of applications, most of the stuff is optional. You also didn’t specify what you see as “applications” – are parts of the desktop “applications”? Which applications come with Lumina?

    I’m tired of giving feedback to your posts and I think I’ll stop now. It becomes clear to me that you’re unable to provide blog posts which contain more than a few sentences of your personal opinions.

  • @Peter1986c@lemmy.ml
    23 years ago

    What I remember from the last time I looked into this, when wanting a graphical login screen I still had dbus/*kit as a dependancy (and other apps probably require them too). This defeated the point of using Lumina in order to not have those deps, which is/was a main selling point. So I do not know whether this is a feasible alternative (for Linux users) to e.g. LxQt.

    *on Linux, mind you, not the BSD family of distros that Lumina is primarily written for.