
Social Media Post:
Star Trek fans have held the national stereotype of being way too rabid about things for decades but they’re probably the nicest fan base in all of science fiction and the one least likely to have a large faction of them absolutely lose it over a torpedo being fired by a woman or dumb shit like that

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  • Captain
    8 个月前

    I have a theory:

    Star Trek fans were some of the earlier cosplayers. Trekkies were wearing Starfleet uniforms and Vulcan ears to conventions decades before the word “cosplay” was a thing. My father has a book called the Starfleet Technical Manual published in the 70’s that is basically an official guide for fans to build screen accurate costumes and props from, including sewing patterns for the various tunics and wrist-length dresses and a page of color swatches, plus dimensional drawings of tricorders, phasers and communicators.

    And the public at large in the 1970s wasn’t ready for that yet.

      • Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn the ancient Greeks were cosplaying their favorite characters from the Trojan war or something. But the word cosplay is only attested from like 1993 in English and 1983 or so in Japan

      8 个月前

      I have that book! It’s super cool. It’s themed as a document made by the military about information on the Federation that leaked into the past.

      There’s also diagrams of space stations and ships, and small things, like how to properly decorate sleeves and badges for rank and division.