If you financed a car, that means the lender owns it until you pay it off. You agree in the loan contract that they’ll take it back if you stop paying for it.
Plus, it’s not like they repo it the day after a missed payment.
Most car loans are upside-down the second you drive it off the lot. It takes a long time to get out of negative equity, so the vast majority of people who have their cars repossessed don’t have any equity built up.
Self-driving cars will be able to repo themselves so this scenario will definitely happen.
Which, Imo, is a good thing. Having a human repossess a vehicle is a pretty dangerous situation.
Implying repomen are human? Absurd.
I don’t see why they wouldn’t be human.
The lack of a soul and the class treason?
Stupid moral requirement to acknowledge “universal” human rights
I mean, a car isn’t a universal human right.
If you financed a car, that means the lender owns it until you pay it off. You agree in the loan contract that they’ll take it back if you stop paying for it.
Plus, it’s not like they repo it the day after a missed payment.
That’s fair, because obviously the loan company also reimburses you the lost equity, right?
They steal that? Or, rather, sell it for a fraction of the real value and then demand a total repayment of the loan anyways?
I mean, you’d think they just take the collateral, correct? That’s the point of collateral.
But that’s okay, because they’re the ones assuming all the risk in the situation, right?
Most car loans are upside-down the second you drive it off the lot. It takes a long time to get out of negative equity, so the vast majority of people who have their cars repossessed don’t have any equity built up.