Isn’t that the point though? The fact that the question was asked and rather than think “shit, could we be better?”, some men are literally seething with anger about it?
I imagine that black men view the question as particularly insulting
Because we live in a country that already perceives black men as animals.
So seeing so many women recently affirm that perception likely is extremely isolating. Because this is the sort of ideology that gets black men murdered
Because white tears cause black scars. As Emmitt Till found out
When men are seen as threats, this translates into the murder of men, particularly those who are in national minority groups. Black, brown, immigrant, Muslim, etc men are threatened by this type of discourse, at least within the United States
Which is kind of what BLM was all about - that black men are just people and are not dangerous super predators like many white people, including white women, seem to think
America might see black men as animals, but I don’t think the UK is quite there yet. Also, the question doesn’t mention race or skin tone, so I’m not sure how we got there.
The UK does not have a good history on race. Or on welcoming immigrants. Hence Brexit. And, also, the entirety of the British Empire.
The human brain has an ability to understand implicit narratives without a thing needing to be explicitly stated. If you ask a person to imagine a dangerous and strange man, I very much doubt that most Western people are honestly going to imagine a man that is white. Which is what this question is actually all about
To be honest, I was thinking about the man who was trying to show me his penis when I was hiking in the woods a couple of weeks ago, when I heard this question. He was white. Actually all men that harassed me were white, thinking about it now.
Racist stereotypes are a real issue and I am not trying to deny that. And if women needed to imagine some hypothetical situation when thinking about dangerous men, you might be right. However, I think you might be underestimating the number of women who have been harassed, or worse. Most women do not need to imagine, they can just remember.
The U.K. is incredibly ethnically diverse. I was a huge Remain person, but not everyone that voted Leave did so because of race. Sort out your own prejudices mate and stop projecting.
The UK is one of the most xenophobic western countries. And left the EU largely because your white boomers are so terrified of brown migrants that they destroyed their own economic future to get away from them. Similar to Americans voting for trump out of fear of Mexicans and migrant caravans.
I get what you mean, but mostly disagree, the options given as the answer is too broad.
I mean, if the man was in the forest to pick berries, and focusing on that and the bear was a female bear with cubs, the situation is completely different from a man wearing a mask and sunglasses staring at the woman and a black bear crossing the path to go and sleep.
The question is too generic to draw any usable conclusions from.
The best response to seeing the answers would have been for men to just ignore it, or say that they are sad to learn the results but that the question is mostly meningless
This is still a purely theoretical choise, and since they won’t face any immediate consequences from their response, they might as well use the question for their own shock factor to try and make a point.
I wonder if all women who actually had to choose between getting into a forrest alone with a bear nearby or get into a different forrest alone with a man nearby would actually pick the bear.
But I hope that no one ever has to make this choice.
Viral hypothetical “would you rather spend a night in the woods with a bear or a man”. Toxic men getting butthurt when women chose the bear
That entire question was just pure rage bait from the start, without even resulting in any useful data
To whoever asked the question in the first place, I congratulate you for comming up with the perfect rage bait question.
Isn’t that the point though? The fact that the question was asked and rather than think “shit, could we be better?”, some men are literally seething with anger about it?
I imagine that black men view the question as particularly insulting
Because we live in a country that already perceives black men as animals.
So seeing so many women recently affirm that perception likely is extremely isolating. Because this is the sort of ideology that gets black men murdered
why would black men find a thread full of comments about women fearing for their safety to be insulting?
Because white tears cause black scars. As Emmitt Till found out
When men are seen as threats, this translates into the murder of men, particularly those who are in national minority groups. Black, brown, immigrant, Muslim, etc men are threatened by this type of discourse, at least within the United States
Which is kind of what BLM was all about - that black men are just people and are not dangerous super predators like many white people, including white women, seem to think
America might see black men as animals, but I don’t think the UK is quite there yet. Also, the question doesn’t mention race or skin tone, so I’m not sure how we got there.
The UK does not have a good history on race. Or on welcoming immigrants. Hence Brexit. And, also, the entirety of the British Empire.
The human brain has an ability to understand implicit narratives without a thing needing to be explicitly stated. If you ask a person to imagine a dangerous and strange man, I very much doubt that most Western people are honestly going to imagine a man that is white. Which is what this question is actually all about
To be honest, I was thinking about the man who was trying to show me his penis when I was hiking in the woods a couple of weeks ago, when I heard this question. He was white. Actually all men that harassed me were white, thinking about it now.
Racist stereotypes are a real issue and I am not trying to deny that. And if women needed to imagine some hypothetical situation when thinking about dangerous men, you might be right. However, I think you might be underestimating the number of women who have been harassed, or worse. Most women do not need to imagine, they can just remember.
Ummmm…yeah. Ok.
The U.K. is incredibly ethnically diverse. I was a huge Remain person, but not everyone that voted Leave did so because of race. Sort out your own prejudices mate and stop projecting.
The UK is one of the most xenophobic western countries. And left the EU largely because your white boomers are so terrified of brown migrants that they destroyed their own economic future to get away from them. Similar to Americans voting for trump out of fear of Mexicans and migrant caravans.
Sorry mate, I just wanted to take the piss out of your US defaultism, and this ridiculous idea that everyone thinks the man is brown.
I will acknowledge the U.K. has race issues, but it’s not quite what you’re making out.
I get what you mean, but mostly disagree, the options given as the answer is too broad.
I mean, if the man was in the forest to pick berries, and focusing on that and the bear was a female bear with cubs, the situation is completely different from a man wearing a mask and sunglasses staring at the woman and a black bear crossing the path to go and sleep.
The question is too generic to draw any usable conclusions from.
The best response to seeing the answers would have been for men to just ignore it, or say that they are sad to learn the results but that the question is mostly meningless
And yet, given how broad the possibilities are, women are still choosing the bear.
This is still a purely theoretical choise, and since they won’t face any immediate consequences from their response, they might as well use the question for their own shock factor to try and make a point.
I wonder if all women who actually had to choose between getting into a forrest alone with a bear nearby or get into a different forrest alone with a man nearby would actually pick the bear.
But I hope that no one ever has to make this choice.
Men-ingless 🧐
I googled “congestulate” to see if there was any chance that was an actual word
Typoman, typoman does whatever a typoman does, especially on mobile while on a bus
It would depend on the man surely? And possibly the bear, now thinking 🤔