For those of you who don’t know, Linux From Scratch is a project that teaches you how to compile your own custom distro, with everything compiled from source code.

What was your experience like? Was it easier or harder than you expected? Do you run it as a daily driver or did you just do it for fun?

    5 months ago

    It was a lot of fun for me. I did it without a virtual machine (would not generally recommend) on a older laptop I wasn’t using anyway. I wasn’t very successful in the end however. My own built kernel couldn’t produce any vga output. I tried to fix it for a handful of nights, but in the end gave up and called it good enough :P So I might comeback to it later to fully complete an installation.

    But it was good learning oppertunity. It showed that just compiling a version of the Linux kernel isn’t very complicated. It even comes with a very nice TUI to select your build options!

      5 months ago

      The kernel is what about did me in with a Gentoo install forever and a half ago, that part alone I think I fought with for a week before I got everything working

      Great learning experience though, I agree