Oracle responds to Red Hat

    2 years ago

    The problem that I want to phrase here is, they redistribute the code, but when the problem arise, they open bug ticket in RH Bugzilla, then… asking red hat to fix it… which is… unacceptable… and unprofessional, when they have billion dollars of contract on top of OL… So it’s stealing in my term.

    using red hat powerful brand, selling the code, and if it break, only open ticket, never invest in engineer to fix it… :/ If it’s not stealing, I don’t know what it is…

    I know it’s GPL and Open Source, and everyone can take it. And Red Hat Works still, open source in CentOS Stream repo… so just fork it, and rebuild it… done… why they wine that Red Hat put code only for customer who pay for it… In the new contract, they only stop supporting customer, if Red Hat deems the code redistribution threaten red hat source of income… so… I don’t know…

    GPL is about freedoom to write, contribute, inspect, and fix your own code, but not providing big chunk of code for free, and provide free support service…

    That’s what people always miss about… they want Red Hat guarantee of service and SLA, but don’t want to spend a penny… small business, okay… but CIQ and OL have billion dollar of contract, and never contribute anything upstream…

    Alma/CloudLinux at least employ full time engineer in Fedora Project as part of join Red Hat and Alma Stewardship, but CIQ/Rocky, and OL isn’t…