Multiplayer is antithetical to immersion for me. Im not an RP guy and some wacko yelling slurs over the mic isnt going to help me forget im playing a video game
Not all multiplayer is match made or even public. Lots of games can benefit from 1 or 2 good friends to play with.
Sure but my buddy cracking jokes about work is just as immersion-breaking. Multiplayer is fun, but thats not the point i was making.
Just need a group that can roleplay ¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯
Immersive Sims are games that reward taking your time and meticulosity scouting and planning ahead. Multiplayer would be miserable if even one person is the type to get bored or rush ahead, or if someone picked a stealth/hacking build and another heavy combat.
Not all immersive Sims are like that
He can say it , doesn’t make it true.
Getting really tired of these idiots trying to shove multiplayer and/or MMO mechanics into single player franchises or attempting to justify a shift to live service.
Multiplayer? With randoms, hard pass. With friends-only, sure, why not.
But I’d still rather save scumm my way through immersive sims on my own like I usually do, I don’t need witnesses to my shame.
The main thing I like about dragons dogma is the pawns. Would love a game to dispense with the custom pawn thing and have allies that are just ai versions of players where you could get online and actually play with friends or whatnot in the spots instead. Would love it in like a super hero game and you could set your ai. like you would always be helpful but you could have your character always challenge the leader (maybe thinking like wolverine) or just act like an ass (guy gardner) or be super helpful or just mysterious sounding or whatever.
I prefer to by immersed by myself, thanks.
Yeah, but no