Immersive sims are traditionally thought of as single-player titles. They can be really dense and systems-heavy games in which having even one player introduces an incredible number of variables, as that one player uses the freedom they’re afforded to tackle situations in any number of ways. It takes no small amount of creative ingenuity and coding wizardry to allow for all those possibilities, and that would only be magnified by the presence of another player, or a whole set of other players. T
Multiplayer? With randoms, hard pass. With friends-only, sure, why not.
But I’d still rather save scumm my way through immersive sims on my own like I usually do, I don’t need witnesses to my shame.
The main thing I like about dragons dogma is the pawns. Would love a game to dispense with the custom pawn thing and have allies that are just ai versions of players where you could get online and actually play with friends or whatnot in the spots instead. Would love it in like a super hero game and you could set your ai. like you would always be helpful but you could have your character always challenge the leader (maybe thinking like wolverine) or just act like an ass (guy gardner) or be super helpful or just mysterious sounding or whatever.