Adventurers on solar bikes choosing their course through Eurasia. Inspired by unassisted yacht races around the world, the Sun Trip is writing a new page in the world of overland adventures.

The Sun Trip is a showcase for new forms of mobility. Each adventurer is an ambassador of solar energy and eco-mobility, proving their efficiency and their humanist dimension.

  • @plactagonic
    42 months ago

    I just cross-post it to bikepacking community.

    I just looked at few of these bikes and they look good. I would like to see them in person.

    • poVoqOPM
      32 months ago

      The website is literally fully of photos of all the various solar bikes 🙄

      Oh and if you would have ever tried to ride a bike with a sombrero you would know that this doesn’t work 😜

        42 months ago

        I’m not sure if large panels on the bike are any better if there’s any kind of wind.

        The only practical way I see is a shell around the bike.

    • poVoqOPM
      52 months ago

      Given the multitude of bikes on their website that never the less do it, it seems to work fine, and the shade is probably an added benefit.

      I would be more concerned about sudden gusts of wind tipping you over while riding, but for tricycles that’s probably not that much of a problem either.

      • queermunist she/her
        -12 months ago

        Even without being tipped over there’s the possibility of a crosswind blowing the bike into traffic. 👀

        • @ex_06@slrpnk.netM
          32 months ago

          Looks like they are not biking into cities nor highways, so it probably won’t happen anything dangerous regarding that :o