Two Bortses, what are the chances
We need more bort license plates in the gift shop!
Excuse me, my sons name is also Bort
As much as two Aidens 😅
Nope. Too much crotchfruit truly dubbed Aiden, Braiden, Jayden, Hayden.
Nasty, tricksy Bortses!
Can you believe Borts and Chunus are the same age?
But Borts has either spina bifida or a couple of lip rings.
I think you meant a cleft lip? Spina bifida is on the spine, no?
I literally never thought I would say this, but which Borts?
There’s two Aidens. How did this get so realistic.
*three Aidens … they call Briaden Aiden for short.
“Wait which aiden, little aiden, aisen aiden or braiden aiden?”
Friends with regular size Rudy
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Just look at me!
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What do you think about the shirt match:
- paternal twins
- bffs who’s last names are next to each other and they’ve been doing the match thing since freshman year
- “omg did you see Hobem wore the same shirt as you on picture day?!”
Its brain slop. Everyone else’s photos, stories and ideas put in a blender then reconstituted into a shape of things, like making a chicken out of chicken nugget meat
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I dunno, but those are great names for dwarves
Definitely an “omg did you see Hobem wore the same shirt on picture day?!”
Especially in small towns, such as this, there’s only so many places to shop. It ends up happening more than we like to admit.
Not sure what Jorch, Jort, and Humbys excuse is though.
I pity the Foob.
Multiple times I came across a name I wanted to comment on, but there kept being more
Shimp,Shamp and Chunus 🤣
Jorch = the long version
Jort = the short version
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Little do they know, Asheliigynne is the original spelling!
Damn gaels and their stupid language
it’s from anglo-saxon tho…
Notice how they’re all white and there’s only 4-5 girls out of 24 students
A near perfect description of my high school
Something I find really interesting about this, is how unlikely it’d be that the training data skews that heavily toward men. I wonder why that is, not like whoever made the model could tell us since they barely understand it.
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My entire high school had one girl and two slightly brown dudes. What’s your point?
My point is that we should notice it. Numerous AI creations are notorious for having a white male bias. Look and you will find it.
It’s kinda like when you’re driving through the country side, you count the cows. What else ya gonna do?
i mean, that requires making the assumption first that the entire image is ai generated, and not the more likely author generated a bunch of pictures, then edited the rest themselves because one of the things AI easily fails on is text, and theres a lot of names which would swing that failure rate high.
The weirdest part is that I think I recognize some of these people
Thought this was just a Welsh yearbook.
Why isn’t this the top comment?
I can’t upvote it any harder
This only gets funnier the longer I look at it. Which is difficult to do since I start laugh-crying every time I read the names.
We’re out of Bort license plates in the gift shop
My son is also named Borts…