Misleading title. They’re about to declare it as possibly cancerous. Not fully cancerous. And if anything this is just to get even more research into it.
Aspartame is in a lot of things, mainly sodas and gum, but you’d have to consume a lot of the stuff beyond a human limit really.
I do think this may put a dent in sugar free products assuming it gets declared as such.
Misleading title. They’re about to declare it as possibly cancerous. Not fully cancerous. And if anything this is just to get even more research into it.
Aspartame is in a lot of things, mainly sodas and gum, but you’d have to consume a lot of the stuff beyond a human limit really.
I do think this may put a dent in sugar free products assuming it gets declared as such.
Probably just enough for California to give it that label, and that’s about it.
I hate the chemical aftertaste of artificial sweeteners anyway.
There’s still other zero calorie sweeteners though. Sucralose, stevia, saccharine, Monk fruit extract, etc.
Every paragraph of that article got less and less certain about the results. Someday I’d love to be able to trust the headline.