In a first, the state has purchased shoot houses designed for indoor gun training to help school staff ‘respond to active shooter’

Ohio appears to be the first state to purchase shoot houses – mobile homes designed for indoor firearms training – to better prepare public school staff “to respond to an active shooter”.

The Ohio Controlling Board, which helps oversee changes to the state budget, approved public safety officials’ request for $78,028 last month to purchase two shoot houses to help train public school employees that are allowed to carry firearms at work.

“Currently, we have movable canvas walls that can be configured to simulate responding to an active shooter in a school, like walking down a hallway, but there are limits,” said Jay Carey, a spokesperson for the Ohio department of public safety. “The more realistic we can make the training, the better prepared armed school staff will be to respond to an active shooter.”

    753 months ago

    The more realistic we can make the training, the better prepared armed school staff will be to respond to an active shooter

    At Uvalde, local law enforcement trained AT THE SCHOOL. It didn’t help at all. And that was for people trained for a shootout. What makes anyone think this is a good idea for regular staff members?

    Under the 2022 law, school personnel – who were previously required to receive the same 700 hours of firearms training as law enforcement officials or security officers – can carry guns at school after 24 hours of instruction, provided they have permission from the local school board.

    Holy shit. I’m not a gambler, but I wouldn’t bet against someone getting shot unjustifiably in the first year of implementation.

      3 months ago

      Let me preface this by saying that I wholly agree with you, and that more guns or training isn’t going to solve this problem.


      I’d also wager that any teacher is likely going to be more willing to protect their students than any cop/the police.

      Teachers with guns + training is not the solution to the problem. That being said, cops don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves, so replacing them with literally anyone else will likely result in massive performance improvements!

        313 months ago

        You have teachers in school with guns it’s only gonna be a matter of time before you have new stats to play with.

        Number of students killed or maimed by a teacher’s gun during a fight or other altercation. Number of teachers and students killed by a student who gets a teacher’s gun. Number of teachers who commit suicide using their service gun.

        I’m not even using my hyperbole muscles, that’s just what’s gonna happen.

      • themeatbridge
        73 months ago

        Consider also that not every teacher is a stable individual. Teachers are put in high-stress situations with a bunch of snotty little goblins who push every button. Teachers are human beings, and cover the entire spectrum of psychological stability. Police are ostensibly screened and trained in restraint.

        Some teacher is going to get pushed too far and shoot a child.

        43 months ago

        I had a very eye opening expirience hanging out with education majors when i was in college. Teachers are just normal people who happen to work with kids. They are just as selfish, caring, unstable, and understanding as anyone else. Ask yourself which of your neighbors you would trust to stop a home invasion, and realize that is the same pool you are asking to stop school shootings.

      3 months ago

      There is a very distinct plan here. They want to drive out the teachers who believe in empathy and compassion, instead to replace them with the kind of person who prefers armed hierarchical power settings.

      This is just another way to change the education system for the worse, and if it continues, it will take generations to fix.

      • Flying Squid
        193 months ago

        And if any of the ones with empathy and compassion are still around, the ones with the guns can just shoot them.

      93 months ago

      I miss being a teacher so much. Definitely not for this crap. I worked with another teacher years back who actually kept a bullet proof vest on his office. A bit of a nut. This would be back in 2011, I believe. I just rolled my eyes. Scared me.

      I used to be a gun owner. I enjoyed shooting and cleaning my gear. I also believe in laws that control so that people like me don’t have them. I have my own mental health demons so , no guns. I also believe in a need to train heavily for situations that may occur. Teachers don’t have time to pee (personal experience of myself and others), let alone train for this. Preparedness for life or death situations takes a whole lot of training. If a teacher is already frazzled, which we always are, and a situation starts, I would not want that person armed and protecting. No doubt the ones who wish to carry are the cowboys who would run at the first shot heard anyway.

    343 months ago

    Sorry kids, we can’t teach you music anymore. We spent that money on shoot houses.

    Gee, I wonder why no one from the “nice” countries wants to move here.

      43 months ago

      In my country, kids see the cops a couple of times at school where they show them how to safely cross roads and later road rules for bikes.

      Yeah, paramilitary teachers sounds so tempting but I think I’ll pass.

        3 months ago

        And wouldn’t you know? That kind of demagoguery is one of the many things Europe keeps importing from the US! Including an extremely worrying resurgence of fascism and far right political violence all over the continent inspired by Trump et al!

  • Flying Squid
    243 months ago

    I have asked advocates of this several times exactly how it can be ensured that a student would never be able to get access to a teacher’s gun. The best I get are various versions of “well they just won’t.”

    I also like to ask if they ever had a teacher with a really bad temper who might have been tempted to use a gun in a moment of blind rage if they had one available.

    Because I sure did.

      113 months ago

      It’s not hard to find instances of SROs misplacing their firearms. Now we’ll add more guns with less training. Surely nothing will go wrong.

      • Flying Squid
        163 months ago

        Just a month or so ago, the one in my daughter’s former middle school left his on the bathroom sink and a kid found it. Thankfully, the kid did the responsible thing and reported it to the office. One of the many reasons I’m glad we got her out of that hellhole.

          12 months ago

          Dude is that just a music teacher thing? He did it to me twice? And I just acted like that was ok…

      • Flying Squid
        22 months ago

        My middle school band teacher was a bitter alcoholic. He was one of the top jazz trombonists in the country, but ended up teaching middle school band due to the alcoholism. I don’t know if he would ever have used a gun, but I don’t particularly want drunk teachers having access to them. And he was not the only teacher I had who showed up to school drunk. My drama teacher only got fired for it because she got near-blackout drunk and stumbled past the office.

    • Flying Squid
      72 months ago

      Yep. I said this below- I sure as hell had teachers with anger management problems who I could absolutely see losing it one day and grabbing the gun and shooting, at the very least, the kid who goaded them into it.

    • Dark Arc
      22 months ago

      As a person in their late 20s previously educated by Ohio public schools, I know your pain, and I’m sorry.

    12 months ago

    It’s the most American thing ever to tackle a gun problem with more guns.

    After teachers are trained to respond to an active shooter (usually the realm of a specialist armed offenders squad), students will start being trained to respond to an active shooter.

    Then, due to helping kids learn the Metric system, 9mm pistols will be part of the school stationary