OpenKylin is already starting to be implemented on government systems and private companies all around China.

Edit: This is what was written on the website.

    531 year ago

    Bit of a hot take, but I’m really hoping for china to go windows-free. Even if it’s OrwellOS and sends ungoldy amounts of data to the government (pretty sure they already do that on windows too), just make it linux-based.

    Compnaies would finally start taking linux in serious consideration to not being left out of the chinese market, we would start seeing laptops sold with linux and all the good stuff.

    • ModularTable
      21 year ago

      I’m surprised the CCP hasn’t rolled out their own distro! It’s 2023 what are they waiting for!?

      • V ‎ ‎
        41 year ago

        This has actually been a long time coming. The first iteration was a FreeBSD-based distro back in 2013. Then an Ubuntu variant replaced it shortly after. The DE is UKUI, and it’s what « makes a Kylan » it seems. openKylin seems to be an all-around improvement over Ubuntu Kylin, and it uses APT as well. It looks pretty, but things still need some serious polish.

      141 year ago

      I think it only uses western dependencies if they are open source. Even if linux somehow got weaponised against China (hard to imagine this as it goes against the very basics of Open Source), they could still use the older kernel releases and fork from that.

      Linux kernel isn’t western or finnish, because you don’t need to trust westerners of finns to use it. Wherever you live, linux kernel is yours

    • appel
      71 year ago

      GNU/Linux technologies were founded in the west, but are contributed to by people all over the world. I also feel like the ideology and philosophy behind them are in stark contrast to the “western” ideologies of capitalism and imperialism.

    • 77slevin
      11 year ago

      And the kicker: the config files show 99% were extracted from Debian Linux. Own Chinese distro, my ass.

    • wallmenis
      1 year ago

      Well, Achually, Linux is tecnically european…

      puts on nerd glasses

    211 year ago

    At least, unlike GNOME, they got the font rendering, the spacing across icons and the desktop icons right. lol

    201 year ago

    It’s commendable how every chinese UI is simply beautiful… It’s almost as if they spend the majority of their budget on UI and UX stuff

    • mfn77
      81 year ago

      It’s nearly one to one Windows copy. I am sure it’s hard to do it and do it right but at the and of the day it is still a clone.

    • appel
      21 year ago

      if you like the look of windows that is…

        21 year ago

        Hmm, I didn’t explain myself so well apparently. The look of windows is “ok” but I like more consistency and simplicity, here I think linux distros shine.

        But, this distro seems more “modern” and “flashy”, I love new things and you don’t see “cool & flashy” design often.

        I’m more used to functional design (and I love it), but sometimes the “shiny” style is a welcoming change.

        We’ve all been through the phase when we wanted 200 cool animations for a single window drag 😂

          31 year ago

          We’ve all been through the phase when we wanted 200 cool animations for a single window drag 😂

          RIP Compiz

            11 year ago

            When I was a kid I had at least 20 cool effects for the basic stuff in the desktop… They were even well made, not gonna lie.

            Functional design is the best, but that doesn’t mean that the eyes doesn’t want their parts

      1 year ago

      I suspect it’s kind of the opposite. You may have just become accustomed to Linux distros that ignore UI until the very end of development

  • Bali
    71 year ago

    The article is not very informative. No mentioning about package manager they use, no explanation if UKIP runs on wayland natively, etc. I guess i just have to try it myself.

  • It’s pretty funny how they’re trying to characterize a Linux distro as independence from Western tech. The closest we’ve gotten to that idea is TempleOS, not a Linux distro with spyware baked into it.

  • Mx Phibb
    31 year ago

    I played with an early version of this 2 years or so ago, and at the time I think it was Debian based, though there’s an Arch version available. Neither one worked great, particularly the Arch version, but it was a very beautiful distro, if severely lacking in features. Still, it looked like it had potential, maybe I’ll play with it again.

    11 year ago

    I think Deepin will be a better distro in the long run. OpenKylin is like the class project everyone has to contribute to, but Deepin is a work of passion.