Personally, I’m partial to a thin crust cheese pizza folded and dipped into either hot sauce or ranch. But I also enjoy modest amounts of meat, greens and pineapple.

  • MentalEdge
    9 months ago

    I like several kinds.

    I’ve posted before about the cast-iron pan-pizza I make myself, and that’s the best I can do at home.

    There’s a local restaurant that makes not-really neapoletan pizza (the bottom is too thick and the oven isn’t quite hot enough) but they have really figured out the flavor profile on their dough, sauce and fillings, netting excellent results.

    At times I really crave and enjoy a Pizza Hut pepperoni pizza. I wouldn’t call it my favourite, but sometimes it’s exactly what I want.

    They no longer exist, but there use to be a local chain of pizza restaurants that would make giant sheets of pizza in bulk, and let you pick three squares from three different (or the same) pizzas for a meal. They had a potato-rosemary pizza that I adored. I still want to eventually recreate something like it at home.

    There’s a new chain that popped up recently which I really like. They make oblong pizzas with a wholegrain dough, that they then slice into strips. The meals come with a sauce to dip the pizza-strips in. The result is delicious.

    When it comes to toppings, I generally want a strong umami tomato sauce, mild cheese, and some kind of spicy meat like pepperoni or equivalent.

    But I’ve also tried white pizzas (pizzas with no tomato sauce), pizzas where potato or even pears were among the toppings, and they can be absolutely delicious.