Fairphone is unique in the world of smartphones. It’s pretty much the only company trying to build a sustainable device that isn’t glued together and hostile to the repair community. Today, Fairphone is announcing a brand-new flagship: the Fairphone 4, which brings an updated design and better specs while still shipping with all the modularity you would expect.

    • Ninmi
      3 years ago

      That and the camera in the screen rule this one out for me. Not that it matters since Fairphone 3 is pretty fresh still. Hoping it lasts until better design trends come.

      E: I’m kind of wondering if 3 and 4 are actually supposed to coexist.

      • @ericbuijs@lemmy.mlOP
        13 years ago

        The 3 has been discontinued but the 3+ according to their website is temporarily out of stock but will become available again.

        • Ninmi
          33 years ago

          It says 3 has been discontinued, but 3+ hasn’t, and 3+ is the same thing with a better camera.

    • @ericbuijs@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      That’s indeed puzzling but apparently Fairphone stated that due to the 5 year guarantee period the headphone jack wasn’t an option because it’s too vulnerable. Also the phone would have become too large with a 3.5mm jack. It’s a pity really I love the simplicity of the analog headphone jack.