From bash to zsh and everywhere in between, show me yours and I’ll show you mines. Inspire others or get some feedback.

Simply copy & paste the output of alias in your terminal or add some comments to explain things for others.

Edit: Kbin users, click ‘More’ on a comment and use the fediverse link to read responses that have funky formatting

  • doomkernel
    48 months ago

    I’ve got the standard ones (l, ll, ls) to be forms of ls -flags

    df = df -h
    mv = mv -i
    rm = rm -i
    nix-switch = sudo nix-rebuild --switch flake .
    nix-upd = nix flake update
    systat = systemctl status
    sysena = sudo systemctl enable
    systop = sudo systemctl stop
    • macallikOP
      8 months ago

      Digging the systemctl ones. I added myself to the group so that I wouldn’t have to write sudo each time, but I might as well alias the entire prompt for restart and status to make it even shorter