• @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
      123 years ago

      You talk a lot about authoritarian countries, but simply dismiss anyone who disagrees with your opinion, as if you are somehow infallible. I think the idea that everyone should think exactly like you is in fact much more authoritarian. Dont you believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion? Or is that only if they agree with you?

      • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
        -133 years ago

        Not every opinion is as legitimate as others. And yours is definitely not lol at least in my opinion. But I wouldn’t be alone in thinking that, at least outside Lemmy.

        • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
          163 years ago

          So you would say that your opinion is superior to mine, because people in your surroundings agree with you? It might surprise you to hear this, but people in my surroundings also agree with me, but for me that isnt a reason to claim superiority. Would you really prefer if Lemmy was an echo chamber where everyone thinks just like you?

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
            43 years ago

            This chap believes all people are equal but some people are more equal than others. And if anyone questions them, they will dismiss others with some goal shifting, generalised labelling or ignorant handwaving.

            • Helix
              23 years ago

              This chap believes all people are equal but some people are more equal than others.

              Both chaps do, actually 😉

          • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
            -113 years ago

            I’d consider my stance on a lot of things more reputable and more within reason than yours, yes.

            • DessalinesM
              83 years ago

              In one of your earlier comments, you laughed at the notion of western propaganda. Do you believe that western sources / media are more reputable than others?

                • Helix
                  23 years ago

                  What is the kind of western propaganda you think that Dessalines thinks exists? What kind of western propaganda does exist in your opinion and why doesn’t the other kind?

                  • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
                    23 years ago

                    I don’t think this is the best place to go in to detail about that, but I’ll do it since you asked.

                    First, I should admit there are media sources in the west that can be sensational, in-factual or even being pure propaganda outlets. However these are not regarded as reputable sources in the west either.

                    Where I think dessalines and others takes it too far is when they regard mainstream reputable and scrutanized sources as propagandamachines against China and Russia. And conspiracies go as far as NATO being a neo nazi organization.

                    Here is a rough list, although not everyone of them probably agree on who they feel about all the sources:

                    These people will refute everything posted that is negative towards Russia, Belarus and China. And talk down sources as these. I’ve also seen downvoting on criticism of north korea which I’ve found weird. I don’t think that is very rational, at least if you understand how legitimacy and how heads will roll in media for doing inappropriate things.

                    At the same time they are using alternative news sources things like:

                    Which are specifically known for spreading conspiracies

                    Which I’d consider pretty bad

              • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
                3 years ago

                Apparently I not. And apparently you can’t make value judgments on other people’s opinions either.

                • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
                  -23 years ago

                  Thanks for confirming. I will take this opportunity to ban you from /c/worldnews, because of your hostile behaviour there. This is something I should have done long ago. The main reason I didnt is that I didnt want to give the impression that you were targeted because of our political disagreements. But the fact is that you are causing too much trouble. Take this as a warning, if you keep being hostile to other users, you will get a site ban.

                  • Helix
                    3 years ago

                    I think you shouldn’t ban people just because they’re not nice to you. Which problems did they cause in !worldnews@lemmy.ml? (EDIT: clarifying that I read some of their comments, but nothing banworthy yet – so I’m not saying they don’t cause trouble, just that I’d like to see at least a few instances of hard evidence against them).

                    We don’t all agree on Lemmy. You’re doing right now what you accuse @soferman@lemmy.ml of:

                    I think the idea that everyone should think exactly like you is in fact much more authoritarian.

                    people in my surroundings also agree with me, but for me that isnt a reason to claim superiority. Would you really prefer if Lemmy was an echo chamber where everyone thinks just like you?

                    I will take this opportunity to ban you from /c/worldnews, because of your hostile behaviour there. […] you are causing too much trouble.

                    Bruh. “Spamming” links to Reuters and Telegraph hardly counts as “hostile behaviour” in my book. If you ban them because you don’t like the content they’re sharing and you’re the mod of !worldnews@lemmy.ml, just say so. It’d at least be honest. Maybe even honest to yourself.

                    Censoring wrong opinions instead of answering them with proper sources is a pretty “interesting” move. Sure, you can’t talk to fascists, but I don’t see one here. They’re entitled to their opinion, just as you are entitled to ban them from your community – don’t say you’re doing this because you’re superior, when you claim to not claim superiority. This is an oxymoron.

                    Do you not think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion?

                  • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
                    53 years ago

                    Do you have a specific instance that transgress the rules though? Or is it a personal thing? Doesn’t really seem fair.

            • Helix
              53 years ago

              this is probably exactly the kind of comments you have been banned for. Your view is not superior to others. You have a different opinion and can’t accept it.

              Coincidentally, the admin can’t accept your opinion either.

    • @jazzfes@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Come on, mate. Saying “Non-capitalist outlets defend authoritarian regimes and push conspiracies” hardly matches your mission statement from your sub:

      This group is meant as a companion-piece to the !worldnews community and act as a productive and useful addition to the “lemmyverse” as resource for discovering world news.

      You might be concerned about this becoming a echo-chamber, which we are painfully aware and concerned about. We can’t claim to be perfect ideal people or guaranty that this will be a perfect community for world news.

      But gosh darn we will try out best!"

      Bashing alternative views surely isn’t your best, no?

      • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
        3 years ago

        I don’t get what you are trying to communicate. Could you explain it differently?

        • @jazzfes@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          Your grandparent comment:

          And others will defend authoritarian regimes and push conspiracies.

          basically says “non-capitalist outlets defend authoritarian regimes …”. I think that’s bashing anything non-capitalist / tilting towards propaganda and believe systems. There are many non-capitalist arguments that don’t have anything to do with authoritarian regimes or conspiracy theories.

          Your mission statement says that you want to be productive and avoid becoming an echo chamber.

          Those two statements don’t align as far as I’m concerned, since you basically set yourself up as an echo chamber.

          • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
            -83 years ago

            Well, I beg to differ. But that is your opinion and I respect that regardless of how misrepresented I feel about how you portray my position.

              • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
                3 years ago

                I don’t believe all ‘non-capitalistic outlets defend authoritarian regimes’. I believe there is a giant majority community on Lemmy with lemmygrad who will go to any length to defend authoritarian regimes. They are also highly conspiratorial and believe that all of mainstream western media is propaganda, and that there doesn’t exist a true democracy in the west. They will also dominate the threads in addition to some becoming annoyed another narrative is portrayed leading the person sharing the other narrative getting all posts downvoted and most interactions tainted by their wrath.

                • @jazzfes@lemmy.ml
                  103 years ago

                  All of this sounds quite loaded from an ideological point of view. You may not believe that non-capitalism supports authoritarians, but that is what you wrote.

                  It feels that your are on a mission to defend western mainstream media, but it seems that your main point is that you don’t like others attacking it. The arguments you don’t like, “dominate the threads” because lemmy started with people on the left end of the spectrum. Calling it “conspirational” and complaining about getting downvoted misses the idea lemmy presents.

                  You can get downvoted on a comment to eternity. It won’t show up in your karma and you are free to engage in the next discussion as you please. People won’t care about your internet points.

                  • @soferman@lemmy.mlOP
                    -133 years ago

                    “but it seems that your main point is that you don’t like others attacking it.”

                    Okai, rando