Not back then it wouldn’t be, though, if we take the veracity of the story at face value. The inclusion of perfidy (bad-faith deception, such as dressing up as a civilian or opposing force) as a banned act within the Geneva Conventions was only adopted in 1977, under articles 37 and 39 of Additional Protocol I.
Edit: And even today, Article 39 exempts naval engagements specifically from that provision when it comes to flying the wrong colors with intent to deceive.
I think all military companies should keep their formal uniforms from whever time period they were formed. Imagine the photos from military banquets or 4th of July celebrations if one company is in WW2 era formal wear, another is Civil War, and another is from the Napoleonic era! It would be so cool to watch
To be fair: A lot of things that are war crimes today were declared as such specifically because of WWI. Meaning that they weren’t war crimes when they were committed during the war. Specifically chemical agents (mustard gas and friends) had never been seen before, so there obviously was no treaty banning their use until after the fact.
Dressing up as the enemy is actually a war crime.
It’s war, and when you are being invaded by greedy bastards. There are no war crimes.
I thought the Germans were the greedy bastards?
Yes, in that case yes. But in current global situations.
Not back then it wouldn’t be, though, if we take the veracity of the story at face value. The inclusion of perfidy (bad-faith deception, such as dressing up as a civilian or opposing force) as a banned act within the Geneva Conventions was only adopted in 1977, under articles 37 and 39 of Additional Protocol I.
Edit: And even today, Article 39 exempts naval engagements specifically from that provision when it comes to flying the wrong colors with intent to deceive.
war crimes are whatever the dominate military power says it is the other guy is doing
It’s a fashion crime if your enemy’s the British Beefeaters.
I think all military companies should keep their formal uniforms from whever time period they were formed. Imagine the photos from military banquets or 4th of July celebrations if one company is in WW2 era formal wear, another is Civil War, and another is from the Napoleonic era! It would be so cool to watch
What? Committing war crimes? Germany? Preposterous!
WWI was so famous for everyone fighting a calm and reasonable war with no war crimes
To be fair: A lot of things that are war crimes today were declared as such specifically because of WWI. Meaning that they weren’t war crimes when they were committed during the war. Specifically chemical agents (mustard gas and friends) had never been seen before, so there obviously was no treaty banning their use until after the fact.
Reasonable amounts of condiments in the air
They were serving so many hot dogs that they have to aerosolize the mustard.
They were so progressive about women having a safe space to congregate they introduced a miles-long no-mans-land in France.
Only if you engage under the enemy’s colors. Otherwise it’s a ruse of war, and legitimate.
Then thank the British for stopping this potential war crime.