This theme is only for other distros, not Linux mint and for those it depends if they ship both versions of the theme (over wise you can install it manually)
This theme is only for other distros, not Linux mint and for those it depends if they ship both versions of the theme (over wise you can install it manually)
Don’t forget: Ability to see your library on the website
I just download the games that are drm free (which is actually quite a lot) and put a zip archive on my backup drive(s)
Die Seite ist Mega, aber in meiner Erfahrung bisschen mangelhaft bei DDL Seiten. Kennt da irgendwer was gutes?
Apps I use in about the order of use:
Like they say in their FAQ it’s source available but not open source
No, GameVault is source-available, meaning the code is open for you to explore and modify for personal use. However, you may not use it for commercial purposes.
They also have a paid premium version which is required to use third-party clients, so there will be no heroic integration unless you pay
Looks cool, to bad it’s not open source
What are you doing that cinnamon uses that much Ram? For me it is like half the ram idle compared to windows 10. Maybe a bug?
Messed up the cross post, fixed thank you
Female deers can have antlers
Only if it was the only crime
Am I the only one reading the lower most left one as bidet?
How clearly is emulation even defined? For example wine, while literally being called wine is not an emulator, could potentially be considered emulation by the legal system. Or maybe one could say dxvk emulates directx. Also aren’t you technically emulating the device and not the game? This seems very unspecified
I would keep it so someone else can find it when searching for the same thing. I’d just add [Solved] or similar to the title
That is the overview of your subscribed communities. To view all communities press on search and then explore, and for the lokal ones press the globe on the explore page and select lokal
For the first part, you can find new communities on the search tab either by searching for one or using the explore, the random community or by visiting a trending community. Then on the community page press the three dots and select subscribe
For the second part, if you are missing some communities it is a specific decision by your instance. What communities are missing on what instance? Optimally you should be able to use a instance that has all of the communities you want.
If your distro ships it, just go to Settings > Themes > Style and select the one you want. If your distro doesn’t ship it go on Advanced Settings > Add/Remove and then you should be able to find it there (you can also manually get the theme and decompress it to ~/.themes if it isn’t available in the theme repository)