• Malix
    1 month ago

    I’m a bit two minds about it. On one hand, yea, they are essentially ads for the franchise, but on the other: looks like it’s (probably) high quality and high effort content for the grimdank world I know and love.

    What I have issue with W+ is that basically none of the content currently on the service interests me, and for sure I’m not subscribing to a service for ONE SHOW, which (almost guaranteed) will drip feed the episodes - however many there might be.

    Would I be down to pay one time fee and just get it on dvd/bd/mp4/whatever? Absolutely. Is it going to happen? Absolutely not, gw would probably consider it heresy.

    And I’d rather not go to “rogue traders’ sites” for it.

    • Delphia@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Astartes and the other high end “animated” shorts being made communicate one thing that the 40K universe does better than anyone else and that is that Its brutal cgi fight porn, it can be made cost effectively and we WILL WATCH. They can recycle stories they own from the black library, pay voice actors peanuts because Space Marines dont emote and all sound the same, no sets, no music to licence…

      I dont need a complex plot, just make me John Wick with space marines.